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Image by Denise Jans

Beaux Arts Music Festival

為本地及海外孩子或音樂愛好者 提供舞台,將演奏與別人分享,從而讓他們提升演奏能力!

Provides an art platform for the local and oversea children or music lovers to share their performances and enhances their performing skills!

Competition Details

<<< 參賽對象 Eligibility >>> 


For all ages (Local & Overseas participants are all welcome) 


<<< 比賽模式 Mode of Competition>>> 


Video competition 


<<< 獎項 Awards >>>

冠丶亞丶季軍(必須達85 分以上)- (可獲發獎座及證書)

1st, 2nd, 3rd prize (85 marks or over) - (Trophy and certificate will be given) 


優異 (80 分或以上),優良 (75 -79分),良好 (70 -74分)


Distinction (80 marks or over) ,Merit (75 marks or over) ,Proficiency (70 marks or over) (Medal and certificate will be given) 

參與證書 (70 分以下)

Participation (70 marks or below) (Certificate will be given) 


Other Awards


傑出鋼琴指導獎狀: 其學生獲冠丶亞丶季軍的導師或音樂中心

Outstanding Pianist Guidance Award (Certificate): Piano Tutors or Music Centres with students getting 1st, 2nd, 3rd places in the competition 



Award for Dedicated Piano Teaching:(Trophy and Certificate): Piano Tutors or Music Centres who recommended 6 or more students to join the competition 


<<< 評分準則 Marking Criteria >>>


Rhythms, Musical sense, Tone, Techniques, Fluency, Accuracy, Style, Coherence


因為疫情關係, 為了讓老師及參賽者有充裕的時間預備, 本比賽的截止報名及影片遞交日期將延期至 15/5/2022,賽果公布日期為 15/6/2022。

Due to epidemics, the deadline for enrolment and submission of videos will be postponed to 15-5-2022 & announcement of results will be made on


<<< 截止日期 Enrolment Deadline>>>

15-5-2022  (GMT+8 23:59)

錄影片及樂譜可在報名時即時上載,或於截止日期5月15日 或之前把錄影片及樂譜連結在上載區遞交。上載區連結將會在成功報名後提供。

You can choose to upload video link and music sheet when submitting enrolment form OR submit via the upload platform (link to be provided upon enrolment) on or

before 15 May 2022. 

<<< 比賽結果公布日期 Result Announcement >>

於本會網頁和 HKIPPA facebook 公布

will be posted on HKIPPA website & facebook




For all the regulations, Chinese version shall prevail.

<<< 比賽組別 Competition Classes >>>

<<< 專業評判團 Professional Adjudicators >>>
(排 名 不 分 先 後 Listed in no particular order)

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