Ms. Amelia Chan
陳詩韻 小姐
Concertmaster of the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong
陳詩韻現任香港城市室樂團首席。她曾於美國⻄維珍尼亞交響樂團擔任樂團首席,亦多次與紐約愛樂樂團合作演出。陳氏曾與詹姆斯·高威爵士(Sir James Galway)、理查德·加利亞諾(RichardGalliano)和沙朗·伊斯賓(Sharon Isbin)等音樂家同台演出,擔任聯合獨奏和室樂合奏的角色。她的演出曾在多個平台上播放,包括紐約的WQXR電台、匹茲堡的WQED電台、⻄維珍尼亞公共廣播公司、英國廣播公司蘇格蘭電台和香港電台第四台等。「樂團首席陳詩韻的演奏尤其突出,感情洋溢,是樂隊動人心魄的靈魂人物」《南華早報》
Amelia is currently concertmaster of the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong.Formerly concertmaster of the West Virginia Symphony Orchestra (US), she hasalso performed with the New York Philharmonic extensively. She has shared thestage as co-soloist and chamber music partner with musicians such as Sir JamesGalway, Richard Galliano, and Sharon Isbin. Her performances have beenbroadcast onWQXR, New York;WQED, Pittsburgh;West Virginia PublicBroadcasting;BBC Radio Scotland;andRTHKRadio 4, Hong Kong.
“Concertmaster Amelia Chan played with passion, acting as the vibrantsoul of the ensemble.”
South China Morning Post