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Live Competition: Pre-competition reminder


(For all the regulations, Chinese version shall prevail)

1. 參賽者已經詳細閱讀賽事初步日程表(實體比賽),並明白及同意所選擇的賽事被編排的日子, 及知悉部份組別有被安排於多一天比賽, 而每天比賽時間一般為0900-1800; 及每項比賽時段約為1至1.5小時;  如某組別參與人數太多, 本會或新增時段或另一日子給予該組別; 本協會保留更改初步日程表的權利,並一切以17/4/2025網頁上公布的賽程為準。

Competitors have read carefully the Tentative Competition Schedule and understand/ agree about the date arranged for the chosen competition class(es) and note that some particular classes are arranged in more than one day.   The usual competition time is from 0900-1800 and that each competition class may last for about 1 to 1.5 hour long.   However, if the number of participants for a particular class exceeds that could be accommodated on the date(s) and time scheduled, our Association reserves the right to extend the time slots or add an additional day to the particular class.  The final schedule will be announced on website on 17/4/2025.


2. 賽程公布之後,不論任何原因而提出的任何日子的改動或轉組(如有其他選擇),參賽者將會一律被收取行政費港幣$200。

Regardless of any reason, any request of change of dates or change of groups (if available) after competition schedule is released, there will be a charge of administrative fee of HK$200 and there will be no dispute on it.  


3. 賽程公布之後,如個人資料 (只限姓名或出生日期)有誤,請於18/4/2025,17:00 前電郵 ( 或whatsapp 55432575 至本協會。 

18/4/2025  17:00 之後提出的任何個人資料更改, 將會有行政費港幣$120。

If there is any amendment for the personal details (only names/date of birth) in the competition schedule, please send email ( or whatsapp 55432575 to our association before 17:00 on 18/4/2025. An administrative fee of HK$120 is required if the amendment request is made after 17:00 on 18/4/2025.  


4. 賽事一經報名,不得轉讓或取消,若因任何原因而缺席或退出比賽,所有已繳之報名費亦不會發還。

Once the enrolment for the competition has been submitted, the enrolment could not be transferred or withdrawn and the application fee will not be refunded.


5. 所有賽事若逾期報名,不論任何原因,均不獲接納。

Late applications will not be entertained under any circumstances.


6. 報名時請清楚列明參賽者英文全名,賽後的證書將根據報名時輸入的資料來製作;如有任何錯漏,本會不會負責,賽後亦不會代為更改。

The English names of the competitors should be stated clearly and accurately in the enrolment form. The names will be printed on the competition certificates. Our association will not be responsible for any mistakes in the names provided by the competitors.


7. 參賽者須確保所有報名資料如實準確,如參賽資料有誤或不齊全,大會有權取消其參賽資格,並不獲發評語紙及證書。

Competitors should ensure that all the information provided is accurate!  If the information is not complete or incorrect, the enrolment may be disqualified and no comment sheet or certificate will be given.


8. 參賽者必須按照賽程裏的比賽時間作賽。 

Competitors should follow the competition schedule to attend the competition.


9. 大會有權更改比賽日期丶時間丶場地或評判團,若有任何更改,恕不另行通告。參賽者須定期留意比賽網頁更新,一切資料以網頁為準。

Our association may change the competition date, time, venue or list of adjudicators without prior notice. It is the responsibility of the competitors to check our website regularly to get the most updated information.


10. 參賽者可同時參加多組比賽(不設上限);亦可同時參加實體及錄影比賽,但必須為不同的組別。

There is no limit for the number of classes joined for each participant. They can also enrol in both live and video competitions, but NOT for the same class.  


11. 如某些組別參加人數不足,大會將安排部份組別合併比賽;一切依大會安排,不得異議。

Some classes may be combined if there is not enough enrolment in some classes.


12. 分齡自選組別以25/4/2025 當日之年齡為準。

If there is any age requirement for some classes, 25/4/2025 will be the date where the calculation is based on.


13. 每組賽事一般只有一個冠軍,但可有超過一名亞軍或季軍 (明日演奏家-初級、中級、高級組除外,此三組的獎項數目沒有上限); 

In any one class, there will usually be only one 1st prize but there could be more than one 2nd or 3rd prize. (except for “Young Performer of Tomorrow”- Junior, Intermediate & Senior classes,  in which there are no limit for the numbers of awards).


14. 如評判認為該組參賽者的程度未達水平,獎項可以懸空。

Award(s) can be left vacant if the judges believe that the level of the participants in the group is not up to standard.


15. 比賽賽程將於網上公布,不設個別通知,參賽者須自行上網查閱賽程。

There is no individual notification about the competition schedule.  Competitors should be responsible to check the competition schedule from our website by themselves.


16. 每位參賽者最多可以攜同三位親友/老師陪同比賽。 

Each participant can be accompanied by not more than 3 people.  


17. 比賽當天參賽者需出示有相片的身份證明文件,例如手冊/學生證/身份證/旅遊證件,以方便工作人員核對參賽者身份。
Competitors should bring along student card/student handbook/ ID card or travel documents which bear photos for verification purpose.  


18. 兩歲或以下的非參賽者恕不招待。 
Non-competitors aged below two years old are not allowed to enter the competition venue.


19. 參賽者在比賽出場前,需把比賽曲目影印樂譜直接交給評判,以作評分參考之用。

Competitors should submit a copy of the score to the adjudicators directly right before their performance. 


20. 參賽者可選擇背譜或使用樂譜來彈奏。

Competitors can choose to play from memory or with the score in the competition.


21. 曲目不需做重複的指示(包括不用彈奏第一結尾),但樂曲上的D.C 及D.S符號則需要遵守。

Repeat signs could be ignored, and in case there is more than one ending, the first ending should be omitted.  However, D.C. & D.S. signs should be observed.  


22. 鋼琴組別比賽當天,本協會將提供兒童外置腳踏。家長需在參賽者演奏前自行安裝外置腳踏,以確保準確無誤!

The extended pedal for kids will be provided in the venues for piano classes.  Parents should help the kids to install the extended pedal before they start.


23. 於有時間限制演奏的組別中,如參賽者超過演奏的指定時間,評判有權扣分。

Marks will be deducted by the adjudicators if the performance time exceeds the time limit which is set in some specified classes.


24. 賽事中,如評判認為已聽取足夠評分既部份,可按鈴終止參賽者的演奏,但並不會影響評分。

Adjudicators may ring the bell if they think the performance is good enough for the judging, and this would not affect the overall markings!


25. 比賽後將會即場宣佈結果及頒獎。

The result will be announced and prizes will be given at the end of the competition on the spot.


26. 所有賽果以評判決定為準,不設上訴。如有任何爭議,大會將保留最終決定權。

The competition result is based on final judgement of the adjudicators. No argument or appealing would be accepted.


27. 如比賽當天未有取回分紙、證書及其獎項,大會將根據報名時填寫的地址,以順豐到付寄回,參賽者亦可選擇稍後前來本協會領取。

If the competitors cannot collect the trophy/ medal, certificate or comment sheet on the spot, all of them will be sent back to competitors by SF Express according to the given address on the enrolment form (the postal fee will be paid by the competitors). Or the competitors can come to our association to collect the prizes and the related documents in person.


28. 傑出音樂指導獎 及 熱心音樂教學奬: 導師的中丶英文姓名必須在報名時清楚填上,報名後絕不接受後補或更改資料。

“Outstanding Musician Guidance Award” and “Award for Dedicated Music Teaching” will only be given if the teachers’ Chinese & English names are written clearly on the enrolment form. After enrolment, no adding or alteration of the teachers’ information is allowed.


29. 參賽者必須清楚填寫地址,如有需要, 大會將會以此地址作郵寄通訊之用。 如因地址資料有誤或不齊全,導致郵遞失誤,本會將不會負責。

Competitors should write their addresses clearly, as the addresses will be used for the mailing of any prizes if needed. We will not be held responsible for any postal lost due to any incorrect or incomplete address provided.


30. 參賽者,或參賽者年齡低於18歲的家長或監護人,同意本會使用在比賽中所收集的個人資料作將來推廣本會的其他活動之用;並同意本會使用比賽時拍攝之相片及影片作比賽推廣或宣傳之用!如果不同意者,可以電郵 通知本會。

Competitors /parents or guardians of the competitors who are under 18, agree and allow our association to use their personal information for future communication of other events arranged by our association. Also, photos or videos taken in the competition may be used for promotion of our competitions in the future!  If you don’t agree, please email to inform us.

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