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第四屆 國際樂詣音樂節
The 4th International Beaux Arts Music Festival

賽事初步日程表 (鋼琴/弦樂-實體比賽)
Tentative Competition Schedule (Piano/String-Live Competition)


1) 此乃初步的日程, 比賽時間一般為0900-1800; 如某組別參與人數太多, 本會或新增時段或另一日子給予該組別; 本協會保留更改此日程表的權利,並一切以17/4/2025網頁上公布的賽程為準
This is the tentative competition schedule.  The usual competition time is from 0900-1800.  However, if the number of participants for a particular class exceeds that could be accommodated on the date(s) and time scheduled, our Association reserves the right to extend the time slots or add an additional day to the particular class.
The final schedule will be announced on website on 17/4/2025.


2) PYPT & SYPT 有被安排多於一天的賽事,參賽日子將被隨機分配到其中一天,  敬請留意!  
Please note that classes PYPT & SYPT are arranged in more than one day and participants will be assigned randomly to one of the days. 


3) 請注意:個別組別如因人數不足,有機會跟其他組別合併。 
Please note that some groups might be combined due to insufficient enrolments.


4) 圖表上的組別排列次序並不等於比賽當天的組別出場次序。
The order of the listed classes in the followings does not represent the actual order on the days of competition.

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