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Professional Adjudicators

​(排名不分先後 Listed in no particular order)

Prof. Loo Bang Hean 盧邦賢

出生於馬來西亞怡保,盧邦賢的早期教師包括Serena Chow和Rickie OUI。在16歲時,他贏得了檳城第一屆全國莫扎特鋼琴比賽冠軍。同一年,他成功考取了表演文憑LRSM,並且獲得由皇家音樂學院聯合委員會授予他為期四年的獎學金,在英國皇家音樂學院(RCM)繼續深造。 盧邦賢在英國的啟蒙老師有Yonty Solomon,John Blakely和Dennis Lee在RCM,他贏得了無數的獎項和畢業於本科第一榮譽。此外他也獲得了Anthony Saltmarsh獎及Countess of Munster Musical Trust獎,使他再次地獲得了知名教授Ilonka Deckers的青睞,被錄取到米蘭就讀碩士課程。 回到馬來西亞,盧邦賢頻頻出現在獨奏音樂會,室內樂演奏會和協奏曲演出。這些演奏會包括在吉隆玻國際鋼琴藝術節,匯豐鋼琴藝術節和其他的系列的音樂會。盧邦賢也受邀請到檳城交響樂團,國家交響樂團,和PJ青年管樂團的協奏曲。他是一個室內樂的熱心倡導者,他屢次與世界各國的音樂家演奏室內音樂會,並經常被邀請在吉隆玻雙子塔(KLCC)Dewan Filharmonik Petronas演出。除了當地大型音樂會,盧邦賢也曾到新加坡,文萊,柬埔寨,香港,韓國,英國和義大利演出。盧邦賢是位積極的教育家,他现任馬來西亞思特亞大學 (UCSI University) 音樂教授,並經常被邀請擔任研討會和工作坊的講師,以及音樂節和比賽的裁判。 

Born in Ipoh, Malaysia, Bang Hean was the winner of the First National Mozart Piano Competition in 1987, and two years later a scholarship from the music exam board, ABRSM enabled him to study at the Royal College of Music (RCM), London.


Bang Hean’s early teachers in Malaysia include Serena Chow and Rickie Oui, while in England he studied with Yonty Solomon, John Blakely and Dennis Lee. He won multiple prizes at the RCM, and upon graduating received awards from the Anthony Saltmarsh Prize and the Countess of Munster Musical Trust to enable him to undergo postgraduate studies with Ilonka Deckers-Kuszler in Milan, Italy.


Since his return to Malaysia Bang Hean has made regular appearances in solo recitals, chamber concerts as well as concerto performances. He has appeared in most major concert venues in Malaysia and has been featured as a soloist with various local orchestras, including the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO). An active chamber musician, he collaborates frequently with various instrumentalists and vocalists, and is a frequent guest pianist at the MPO chamber concert series. Bang Hean has performed abroad in countries such as England, Italy, Brunei, Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Cambodia, and Korea.


Bang Hean is an adjunct lecturer at the Institute of Music, UCSI University, and is frequently invited to adjudicate, examine, and conduct masterclasses both locally and abroad. A frequent presenter for ABRSM, he has presented both ABRSM and other seminars around South-East Asia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, China, India as well as the Middle East.

Loo Bang Hean

Mr. Simon Chiu 趙駿晞

趙駿晞擁有愈十五年以上鋼琴演奏和教學經驗,其學生來自香港,中國內地和美國和英國等地。趙氏於畢業於香港中文大學音樂系學士,師隨香港知名鋼琴家鄭慧博士,李廷強老師,主修鋼琴演奏。於中文大學畢業同年,獲美國卡奈基梅倫大學頒發獎學金赴該校攻讀鋼琴演奏碩士,期間師隨烏拉圭著名鋼琴家Enrique Graf和鋼琴教育家Hanna Wu Li 研究鋼琴教學法,以榮譽優等成績碩士畢業,於美國留學期間擔任該校助教。趙氏旅居英國期間師隨《蕭邦國際鋼琴大賽》評審Dimitri Alexeev,研習俄羅斯著名作曲家-拉赫曼尼諾夫、普羅哥菲夫等作品的演奏技法,於2012年考獲倫敦聖三一學院鋼琴演奏院士文憑(FTCL Piano Recital)。



With over 15 years of piano pedagogy experience, Simon Chiu has students from Hong Kong, Mainland China, United States of America and United Kingdom. Chiu graduated from the Bachelor of Arts (Music) in The Chinese university of Hong Kong (CUHK). He worked with famous pianist Dr. Cheng Wai and Mr Norman Lee during his bachelor years. In the year he graduated from CUHK, he was granted scholarship to pursue Master degree in piano performance by Carnegie Mellon University in The United States of America. He studied piano performance with famous Uruguayan pianist Enrique Graf and studied piano pedagogy with Mrs. Hanna Wu Li. Chiu also worked with Ilana Vered in master class and worked as a teaching assistant during his study in Carnegie Mellon University. Chiu went on to study with Dmitri Alexeev - whom himself the adjudicator of International Chopin Piano Competition in United Kingdom. Chiu worked on Russian repertoire by Rachmaninoff,  Prokofiev and Scriabin with Alexeev. Chiu received the Fellow of Trinity College London. (FTCL Piano Recital) in 2012.


Chiu was invited to perform in Chopin’s 200th Birthday memorial concert. Chiu was also appointed as the adjudicator in “Hong Kong International piano invitation competition ” with other adjudicators from Taiwan, Korea, United States of America and Russia. Chiu now resides in Hong Kong and is now focusing in contributing to development of classical music in Hong Kong.

Simon Chiu

Mr. Castor Fu 傅嘉聰

傅嘉聰師隨香港鋼琴家馬驄學藝,於香港中文大學音樂系接受音樂專業訓練並獲音樂(榮譽)文學士學位。其後赴韓國參加亞洲國際鋼琴節,獲日本國立音樂大學教授加藤一郎指導,並於該鋼琴節獲得金獎。及後傅氏赴英國倫敦皇家音樂學院進修鋼琴及古鋼琴演奏,師從Andrew Zolinsky丶Geoffrey Govier及Stanley Hoogland,並獲得演奏碩士學位。

傅氏在旅英期間,曾於倫敦聖瑪利雅博教堂作演出。修畢碩士學位後,他曾參與非凡美樂所舉辦的室內樂音樂會作演出,亦曾受邀於香港藝術發展獎頒獎禮作表演嘉賓。傅氏亦醉心於鋼琴二重奏,他曾於澳門文化中心小劇院及為Musica del Cuore – HK作四手聯彈演出。除演奏外,傅氏曾為「全港學生公開音樂比賽」及澳門亞太青少年鋼琴公開比賽擔任評判。現於香港積極從事鋼琴演奏與教育工作。


Castor Fu studied piano and fortepiano performance and his major mentors included Ma Cong Andrew, Andrew Zolinsky, Geoffrey Govier and Stanley Hoogland. He received his professional music training firstly in the Chinese University of Hong Kong where he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Music. He was awarded the gold prize from the 2009 Asia International Piano Academy & Festival in South Korea. During the festival, he was under the tutelage of Ichiro Kato from the Kunitachi College of Music. He then pursued his postgraduate study at the Royal College of Music and graduated with a Master of Music degree in piano performance.


Fu had given performances at the London St Marry Abbots Church during his stay in the United Kingdom. After returning to Hong Kong, he worked with the Musica Viva (Hong Kong) and performed in one of its chamber music series at the Hong Kong City Hall Theatre in 2012. He was once invited to be the guest performer for the Hong Kong Arts Development Awards. Besides, Fu is passionate in piano duet. He gave piano duet performances at the Macau Cultural Centre Small Auditorium and for the music series organized by Musica del Cuore – HK. Apart from performing, He was invited as the adjudicator for the ‘Hong Kong Students Open Music Competition’ and the ‘Macao – Asia Pacific Youth Piano Competition’. Fu is now active for performing and piano tutoring in Hong Kong.

Castor Fu

Dr. Nariaki Sugiura

International concert artist Nariaki Sugiura has performed solo recitals and concerto engagements in Europe, South and North America, and Asia at some of the most prestigious concert halls including Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, Shenzhen Concert Hall (China), Ferenc Liszt Music Academy Recital Hall (Hungary), Daejeon Arts and Cultural Center Hall (Korea), Manoel Theater (Malta), Kioi Hall (Japan). Sugiura has recorded eight CDs for such labels as Klavier Records, Eroica Classical Recordings, Albany Records, and T. K. Music Productions. His performances have been featured on television and radio, broadcast nationally and internationally. Active as an editor, his editions of chamber music scores are published by Ludwig Masters Music Publications. 


A devoted teacher as well as performer, Dr. Sugiura has become of the leading piano pedagogues of his generation. He has given piano master classes at numerous institutions including Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Mannheim (Germany), Civico Instituto Musicale “V. Baravalle” (Italy), Gheorghe Dima Music Academy (Romania), University of Antioquia (Colombia), Xinghai Conservatory of Music (China), Ewha Womens University and Sunhwa Arts High School (Korea), Universitas Pelita Harapan (Indonesia), St. Paul’s College (Hong Kong), International Winter Festival at the Federal University of Santa Maria (Brazil). Currently he is Associate Professor of Piano and Collaborative Piano at University of North Dakota while he is a visiting faculty at East China Normal University. He received Masters and Doctor of Music in Piano Performance from Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. Numerous national and international competitions have awarded Nariaki prizes.

Nariaki Sugiura

Ms. Stella Wong 王秀婷

王氏早年於香港中文大學主修音樂,獲一等榮譽畢業,其後她獲香港賽馬會音樂及舞蹈基金獎學金全數贊助學費及生活費,遠赴美國印弟安納大學修讀,考獲鋼琴演奏音樂碩士,並師從世界著名鋼琴家 Menahem Pressler (Beaux Art Trio 創辦人 )。 Menahem Pressler 是貝多芬的直接第五代傳人。她的其他主要老師包括吳美樂博士及陳兆勳先生。
她曾於莫斯科音樂學院、Adamant音樂學校、及紐約的 International Keyboard Institute & Festival 參與表演,並受指導於世界著名鋼琴家Victor Rosabaum, Jerome Rose, Mikhail Olenyev 及 Jenny Zakharyeva 等等。除了賽馬會音樂及舞蹈基金獎學金之外,她亦曾獲多個其他獎項,包括尤德爵士紀念獎學金、龔約翰龐萬倫大獎、胡格非畢業生海外深造紀念獎學金、美國印弟安納大學音樂獎學金、萬瑞亭獎學金、富爾敦獎學金、東亞銀行獎學金及香港中文大學學術創作獎等等。

她現時為香港教育大學鋼琴導師,並於多間院校任教鋼琴演奏及鋼琴教學法,包括香港國際音樂學校、香港大學專業進修學院、香港中文大學專業進修學院等。她亦經常舉辦鋼琴大師班及鋼琴教學法之工作坊和講座,培育出不少鋼琴老師。近年她亦屢次獲邀到香港中文大學音樂系對有關鋼琴教學法作客席講課。她亦曾為多間大專院校擔任校外考試官,及於多個大型鋼琴比賽中擔任評判,其中包括全港青少年鋼琴大賽、香港青少年鋼琴公開賽、香港國際青少年表演藝術節、聯校音樂大賽、英國 Purcell 國際青少年鋼琴比賽、德國萊茵古典國際鋼琴比賽等等。她現在是香港國際鋼琴教學法協會主席,並經常舉辦不同類型的鋼琴導師增值講座及課程,提升本地鋼琴老師的技能、教學質素及鋼琴資歷。

Stella Wong has won a full scholarship from Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund for her Master degree of Music in Piano Performance from Indiana University (Bloomington, U.S.A.).  Before that, she got the Bachelor Degree of Arts (Music), with first class honors, from The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

She studied with Distinguished Professor Menahem Pressler (founder of Beaux Arts Trio) from Indiana University, who is the direct 5th generation descendent from Beethoven and descendent from Franz Liszt and Carl Czerny.    Her other teachers include Dr Mary Wu and Mr Chan Siu Fun.

She has performed in Moscow Conservatory International Summer School, Adamant Music School and International Keyboard Institute & Festival in New York during summer. There she has learnt from some world-renowned teachers, including Victor Rosabaum, Jerome Rose, Mikhail Olenyev and Jenny Zakharyeva etc.


Besides music scholarship from Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund, some of her other awards include Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarship, Kunkle and Pommerende Grand Scholarship, C. F. Hu Postgraduate Memorial Scholarship, Indiana University Scholarship, Bernard Van Zuiden Music Prize, S.C. Leung Music Prize, Lord Fulton Memorial Prize, Bank of East Asia Golden Jubilee Scholarship and Academic Creativity Award.

She is currently a piano instructor in The Education University of Hong Kong and the chairman of Hong Kong International Piano Pedagogy Association.

Stella Wong

Dr. Elsa Lee 李蓉蓉


Hong Kong pianist Elsa Lee has appeared in solo and chamber recitals in Australia, England, Hong Kong, Poland, and the United States. Her performance of Ginastera Piano Sonata No. 1 in Kraków, Poland was described as “...extraordinary, expressive, powerful, and vibrated the whole concert hall…” - Wiadomoś (translated as - Polish social information service founded in 2006). Under the tutelage of Van Cliburn medalist Barry Snyder, Elsa earned her Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Piano Performance and Literature from the Eastman School of Music, with a minor in Instrumental Conducting. She was awarded the Vaughan Scholarship from Eastman and worked as a graduate assistant in studio and orchestral accompanying. Elsa also earned her Master of Music Studies from Sydney Conservatorium of Music and Bachelor (hons) of Music degree from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Her teachers include renowned pianists and pedagogues Nancy Loo, Raymond Young, Elizabeth Powell, and Gerard Willems.

Aside from performing, Elsa is also a dedicated educator. She earned a Master of Education degree from Columbia University in New York, USA, with concentrations in college-level teaching and educational technology. She was an instructor of applied piano lessons at Teachers College of Columbia University and Rutgers University Extension Division. Elsa is also an active presenter at music education conferences and was selected as one of the five Yamaha Graduate Fellows to work closely with deans and music faculty from across the United States at the Eastman Music Leadership Conference in 2017. Elsa was also nominated and elected as the Board Member for Performance to serve the College Music Society Northeast Chapter in the United States from 2018-2020. Elsa is currently based in Hong Kong, and teaching in Hong Kong Baptist University.

Elsa Lee

Dr. Karl Lo 盧嘉

鋼琴演奏家盧嘉博士曾於多個鋼琴比賽獲獎,亦是首位在美國, 加拿大和中國公演全套32首貝多芬鋼琴奏鳴曲的華人青年鋼琴家。他的CD唱片已由美國BRIOSO唱片公司發行﹐美國權威唱片雜誌American Record Guide認為“確實是令人留下非常深刻的印象”。 盧嘉在2004年獲美國克利夫蘭音樂學院頒發鋼琴藝術博士學位, 並早於2002年受聘為該校教師﹐教授鋼琴﹐樂理和鋼琴藝術史。  由於教學成績優異﹐ 他被提名為2007-08年度最優秀教師。  盧嘉博士現任教於香港演藝學院及浸會大學,及英國聖三一音樂院香港區顧問兼演奏文憑考官。

Critically acclaimed as a “performer who impresses without reservations” by the American Record Guide, Karl Lo is a touring recitalist and an active collaborative artist.  He soloed with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra and the Cleveland Institute of Music Orchestra, and has given recitals across the USA, Canada, Venezuela, and China, including complete cycles of Beethoven piano, violin, and cello sonatas.  His 2007 presentation of the 32 Beethoven piano sonatas in Chongqing, China, marked the country’s premier performance of such collection.   In recent years, he annual concert and lecture tours in the Mainland has brought him to well over 40 cities and regions.


Aside from concert engagements, his debut 2-CD recording featuring the last six piano sonatas by Beethoven has been released under the Brioso label. He also co-organized a fund-raising concert “Music Marathon 2011” which benefited the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Alumni Association.  In addition, he is frequently invited to judge local and foreign competitions, and has served as guest examiner and lecturer at Guangzhou’s Xinghai Conservatory and the Shenzhen Arts School.  


A frequent winner at competitions, Karl Lo won the grand prize at the Canadian Music Competition International Stepping Stone piano division, second prize at the Chopin Competition in New York, second prize at the Kosciuszko competition in Chicago, and fourth prize at the first Chopin Competition in Toronto.  He was named a Liberace Scholar for three consecutive years, and was the recipient of many institutional awards, such as the Dean’s Talent Award, William Kruzban Prize in Piano, Arthur Loesser Prize in Piano, Louis Kaufman Prize in Chamber Music, and Piano Faculty Prize in Accompanying.


Karl Lo holds a doctorate degree from The Cleveland Institute of Music, and has previously attended the Oberlin College Conservatory, Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto, and the Academy for Performing Arts in Hong Kong. His primary teachers include Daniel Shapiro, Paul Schenly, Monique Duphil, Boris Lysenko, and John Winther.  In addition, he has worked with renowned pianists including Barry Snyder, Dmitri Bashkirov, Ferenc Rados, Fou Ts’ong, Gabriel Kwok, Jerome Lowenthal, Murray Perahia, Russell Sherman, Seymour Lipkin, Stephen Hough, and Yin Chen-Zong.  


Karl Lo was a faculty member at the Cleveland Institute of Music from 2002-2008. As a collegiate instructor, his inspiring approach to lecturing has earned him the nomination for the prestigious 2008 Carl F. Wittke Award for teaching excellence.  He is recently appointed regional consultant by the Trinity College London (Hong Kong), and is currently teaching at the Hong Kong Baptist University and the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.

Karl Lo

Ms. Christina Kwok 郭婷

郭婷曾於於香港演藝學院修讀初級音樂課程, 於2001年畢業於香港中文大學攻讀鋼琴演奏, 期間師承 David Gwilt 教授及 吳美樂博士(Dr. Mary Wu) , 獲取獎學金選為代表香港在日本霧島音樂節中演奏。郭氏在畢業後取得皇家音樂學院的獎學金,並於倫敦皇家音樂學院 (Royal College of Music) 繼續鋼琴演奏研究課程, 師承 John Barstow 及 Yonty Solomon。繼而憑著香港賽馬會音樂及舞蹈信託基金,在美國羅徹斯特大學 (University of Rochester) 的伊士曼音樂學院 (Eastman School of music) 完成鋼琴演奏及文學碩士課程, 師承 Professor Barry Snyder 及 Fernardo Laires。

郭氏曾於美國、英國、香港及澳門作不同類型的獨奏及室樂演出, 擔任香港作曲家聯會現代樂團鋼琴家, 2013年代表香港參與北京現代音樂節檐任獨奏及室樂演奏, 更舉辦個人多媒體演奏會 ‘Flux and Form’, 並於2017年再次於文化中心演出。

Christina was a Junior Music Programme Scholarship student at the Academy for Performing Arts. She attained her music degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, where she studied piano under the tutelage of Professor David Gwilt and Dr. Mary Wu. Christina has been awarded several scholarships during her musical training. She has been selected to represent Hong Kong to join and give a performance in the Kirishima International Music Festival in Japan with a

full scholarship. Soon after graduation, she was further awarded the scholarship from the Royal College of Music and completed her Postgraduate diploma (Solo/Ensemble Recitalist) in Performance there in London, where she studied under the renowned pianists John Barstow and Yonty Solomon. Following that, Christina pursued her music studies and attained her Master Degree in Piano Performance and Literature at Eastman School of Music, the University of Rochester in the United States under the guidance of Professor Barry Snyder and Professor Fernardo Laires, and with the full scholarship from Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund.

After returning to Hong Kong, She was the pianist in the New Music Ensemble organized by the Hong Kong Composer Guild. She performed as soloist and ensembles in the Beijing Modern Music Festival in May 2013. She also had her own première solo multimedia concert ‘Flux and Form’ in 2013 Nov and rerun the in 2017 at the Cultural Centre.

Christina Kwok

Dr. Grace Ho

Acclaimed for her expressive playing and engaging teaching, pianist Grace Ho is “an artist who makes music from the heart and touches her audience with her wonderful sensitivity.” As a teacher, she is sought after for her dedication to mentoring and guiding students. For over twenty years she has taught piano students of all ages and levels. Dr. Ho is currently on the faculty of the University of Oregon School of Music and Dance as Instructor of Secondary Piano & Piano Pedagogy.


Dr. Ho holds a D.M.A. in piano performance and arts administration from the University of Oregon School of Music and Dance, a Professional Studies Diploma in piano performance from San Francisco Conservatory, a M.M. in piano performance from Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, and a B.M. in piano performance from Biola University Conservatory of Music.

Grace Ho
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