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Dr. Biffa Kwok
郭承豐 博士

美國威斯康辛州 麥迪遜大學小提琴 演奏博士

Doctorate degree from University of Wisconsin-Madison

郭承豐博士 於2013年在香港演藝學院完成音樂(榮譽)學士課程後,獲獎學金遠赴紐約伊士曼音樂學院深造,取得小提琴演奏碩士學位。郭氏師隨盧柱東教授、米高•高佩曼教授及大衛•佩利教授。郭氏屢獲獎學金,包括埃克林美孚獎學金、 陳浩才醉人音樂獎學金等,並於2015年獲得保羅•哥連斯全費獎學金於美國威斯康辛州麥迪遜大學攻讀小提琴演奏博士學位。郭氏具有豐富樂隊及演出經驗,在2015-2018三年中於麥迪遜交響樂團擔任小提琴樂手和麥迪遜大學交響樂團擔任樂團首席,並於2017年勝出年度協奏曲比賽。除了多年的私人教學經驗外,郭氏亦具有豐富的學校教學和指揮經驗包括於香港演藝學院、油蔴地天主教小學、九龍塘學校(小學部) 、循道學校、伊士曼社區音樂學院、麥迪遜社區音樂課程等擔任樂器指導工作。 郭氏現為香港演藝學院教職員,亦是多個職業樂團的小提琴手,包括香港城市室樂團、香港歌劇團、香港弦樂團、傳承愛樂等。


A native of Hong Kong, Dr. Biffa Kwok studies with Chu Tong Lo and graduates with a Bachelor of Music Degree in Violin Performance from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 2013. Kwok holds a Master Degree in Violin Performance and Literature from the Eastman School of Music, under the tutelage of Mikhail Kopelman, former leader of the legendary Borodin and Tokyo String Quartets. Kwok also holds a Doctorate degree at the Mead Witter School of Music in the University of Wisconsin-Madison under the tutelage of David Perry, the leader of the Pro Arte Quartet.

In light of his outstanding achievements and accomplishments in performance, Dr. Kwok is the recipient of numerous awards, including the ExxonMobil Scholarship, Chan Ho Choi Enchanting Music Scholarship and the Eastman Graduate Assistantship. During his years at the UW-Madison, Kwok is a recipient of the prestigious Paul Collins fellowship, where he also serves as the concertmaster of the UW-Symphony orchestra and was selected as the winner of the 2016 concerto competition as well as the James R. Smith Orchestral Leadership award. During his time at Madison, Kwok is selected to play in the Madison Symphony Orchestra as a section violinist. In addition to his private teaching experiences for many years, Kwok also has extensive experiences in teaching instrumental classes in different schools including the Yaumati Catholic Primary School, Kowloon Tong School (Primary Section), Methodist School, Eastman Community Music School, and UW-Madison Community Music Lessons. In recent years, Kwok also teaches in the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts as an Honours Project advisor. As a freelance musician, he frequently performs with different orchestras, such as the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong, Opera Hong Kong, In-heritage Philharmonic e.t.c.

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