Mr. Chor Kai Hei
左啟希 先生
Renowned Cellist
勛菲爾德國際弦樂比賽, 意大利特雷維索國際音樂比賽等比賽獲獎者,啟希獲香港政府教育局2015年授予"Hong Kong Scholar"榮譽。
啟希求學時曾擔任多個青年樂團大提琴首席;並以首席身份參與皇家音樂學院樂團(首位港人大提琴首席)和香港城市室樂團,香港弦樂團,香港馬勒樂團等演出。他也曾與倫敦交響樂團,香港小交響樂團,香港城市室樂團,香港弦樂團等職業樂團在Sir Simon Rattle, Lorin Mazzel, Bernard Haitink, Vladimir Jurowski等名家的棒下演出。 啟希自2019年起為亞洲旗艦新音樂樂團【香港創樂團】的成員。
啟希回港後致力於推廣藝術生活圈的概念,從而提高大眾的生活品質。他現在演奏一把由Charles Adolphe Gand 於1854年製造的法國大提琴,並十分感謝贊助人的慷慨支持。
Prize winner of Schoenfeld International String Competition and International Competition 'Giovanni Musicisti - Città di Treviso', Italy, KAI HEI CHOR is currently a Cellist at the Hong Kong New Music Ensemble and Artistic Director of local music group Musicademics.
He is recently appointed as an Expert Advisor at Music Office, LCSD by the Hong Kong Government, becoming the youngest member on the board. He was also a Staff Ensemble-in-Residence at The Chinese University of Hong Kong at 2021-22 season.
His recent seasons include performances and recordings in Hong Kong, Europe, Middle East, Beijing, Bangkok, Taipei, Shanghai etc.
Awarded ‘Hong Kong Scholar” by the HKSAR Government in 2015, Kai Hei is frequently invited to perform in music festivals and concerts all over the world, including many with the presence of the key government officials such as Chief Executive, Chief Secretary; as well as foreign leaders, nobility and ministers. He also appeared in major HK media, including South China Morning Post, RTHK and other major TV channels.
As an orchestral cellist, Kai Hei was the first Hong Kong-er to be appointed as principal cellist in both the RCM Symphony and RCM Philharmonic. He also guest-led the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong, Hong Kong String Orchestra, Gustav Mahler Orchestra Hong Kong and most of the leading youth orchestras in Hong Kong. Orchestras he worked together with include London Symphony Orchestra, Hong Kong Sinfonietta etc. working with conductors including Sir Simon Rattle, Bernard Haitink, Lorin Mazzel, Vladimir Jurowski etc; and composers including Sir James Macmillan, Unsuk Chin, Du Yun etc.
Kai Hei discovered his musical passion during his spell at the Diocesan Boys' School. He then received his BA (Hons) in Music at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, receiving numerous scholarships and Dean's List award. He pursued his postgraduate studies at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama (MMus & MPerf) with full scholarship from Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund; before he further obtained an Artist Diploma in Performance (highest academic qualification in performance) at the Royal College of Music London with full scholarship from Croucher Foundation, where he was also awarded the Leverhulme Arts Scholarship award.
As an educator, Kai Hei is on the faculty of The Education University of Hong Kong; and serving as orchestral Tutor in various famous schools. He was also a member of the Staff Ensemble-in-Residence in The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2021-22. See Teaching for more.
Apart from his busying performing and teaching schedule, Kai Hei enjoys cooking, food hunting and watching football. He is especially grateful to kind donors who support him with a 1854 Charles Adolphe Gand Gand cello.