Ms. Christina Kwok
郭婷 小姐
Master in Piano Performance and Literature, University of Rochester (Eastman School of Music) USA
郭婷曾於於香港演藝學院修讀初級音樂課程, 於2001年畢業於香港中文大學攻讀鋼琴演奏, 期間師承 David Gwilt 教授及 吳美樂博士(Dr. Mary Wu) , 獲取獎學金選為代表香港在日本霧島音樂節中演奏。郭氏在畢業後取得皇家音樂學院的獎學金,並於倫敦皇家音樂學院 (Royal College of Music) 繼續鋼琴演奏研究課程, 師承 John Barstow 及 Yonty Solomon。繼而憑著香港賽馬會音樂及舞蹈信託基金,在美國羅徹斯特大學 (University of Rochester) 的伊士曼音樂學院 (Eastman School of music) 完成鋼琴演奏及文學碩士課程, 師承 Professor Barry Snyder 及 Fernardo Laires。
郭氏曾於美國、英國、香港及澳門作不同類型的獨奏及室樂演出, 擔任香港作曲家聯會現代樂團鋼琴家, 2013年代表香港參與北京現代音樂節檐任獨奏及室樂演奏, 更舉辦個人多媒體演奏會 ‘Flux and Form’, 並於2017年再次於文化中心演出。
Christina was a Junior Music Programme Scholarship student at the Academy for Performing Arts. She attained her music degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, where she studied piano under the tutelage of Professor David Gwilt and Dr. Mary Wu. Christina has been awarded several scholarships during her musical training. She has been selected to represent Hong Kong to join and give a performance in the Kirishima International Music Festival in Japan with a full scholarship. Soon after graduation, she was further awarded the scholarship from the Royal College of Music and completed her Postgraduate diploma (Solo/Ensemble Recitalist) in Performance there in London, where she studied under the renowned pianists John Barstow and Yonty Solomon. Following that, Christina pursued her music studies and attained her Master Degree in Piano Performance and Literature at Eastman School of Music, the University of Rochester in the United States under the guidance of Professor Barry Snyder and Professor Fernardo Laires, and with the full scholarship from Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund.
After returning to Hong Kong, She was the pianist in the New Music Ensemble organized by the Hong Kong Composer Guild. She performed as soloist and ensembles in the Beijing Modern Music Festival in May 2013. She also had her own première solo multimedia concert ‘Flux and Form’ in 2013 Nov and rerun the in 2017 at the Cultural Centre.