Ms. Cindy Ho
何欣欣 小姐
施坦威鋼琴藝術家、Vantage Music 音樂總監
Steinway Artist, Music Director of Vantage Music
何欣欣(鋼琴)出生於香港,早年先後師承香港著名鋼琴家李輝及蔡崇力先生,是一 位活躍的獨奏和室樂演奏家,也是施坦威藝術家。先後於英國倫敦大學國 王學院及英國皇家音樂學院完成了學士及碩士課程。期間跟隨著名鋼琴家Aaron Shorr 及Ruth Nye學藝。在修讀碩士課程時獲得李察史達理教育信託獎學金。
2016年3月,她被授予英國皇家音樂學院的ARAM(對皇家音樂學院有出色貢獻的榮 譽奬)。2017年6月,她在紐約參演了慶祝香港特別行政區成立20週年的音樂會, 其間更獲得保羅·克萊斯頓之獎項。
何欣欣曾旅居英國十六年,在世界多個大城市曾參與獨奏及室樂演出。當中包括在倫敦聖馬田大教堂主辦的世界鋼琴演奏家系列 演奏會及蘇格蘭著名之愛丁堡藝術節舉行個人演奏會。2005年她獲邀到越南在胡志明歌劇院演出《李斯特第二號鋼琴協奏曲》 。 2013年,她與《新聲中國樂團》在香港文化中心演出《黃河協奏曲》。近年,她於 維也納音樂廳、上海音樂廳、第二屆深圳鋼琴音樂節、澳門藝術節作獨奏及室樂演出。
2015 年起,她於香港及歐美等地舉辦及演出了一連串的獨奏及室樂音樂會系列,當中包括梅特納的所有小提琴鋼琴奏嗚曲。
何欣欣現為英國 皇家音樂學院香港校友會主席,亦是「青少年音樂家系列」、「卓然音樂」及古典音樂雜誌 「Vantage」的創 辦人。分別為年輕與專業的音樂家和室樂團提供更多演出機會,並推廣古典音樂及鼓勵優質音樂教育。
An active soloist and chamber musician, Hong Kong born Steinway Artist Cindy Ho performs internationally. Highlights in recent years include the grand opening concert of a fourteen concert series, Viennese Legacy at Wiener Konzerthaus, concerts at Carnegie Hall as part of the 20th Anniversary of the establishment of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
In 2016, she was awarded the Associate of Royal Academy of Music (ARAM) for her contribution in music. She also received the Paul Creston Award 2017 in New York.
As the music director of Vantage Music, Cindy organised and performed in recital series since 2015. They are “A splendid Wintry Carpet”, “Viennese Legacy” , “Inspirational Liaisons” and “Opus Medtner” respectively in Hong Kong and overseas. Programmes spanned a wide range of chamber music works which included Medtner’s complete Sonatas for Violin and Piano. Further engagement includes a Czech series on solo and chamber music by Dvorak and Janacek in 2023; complete Piano Quartets and Piano Quintets by Faure in 2024 and a solo piano series on works by Chopin and Ravel.
A graduate of Royal Academy of Music and King’s College London, Cindy is currently the Chairperson of the Royal Academy of Music HK Alumni Association. She founded Young Musicians Series, a concert series providing young and outstanding soloists and chamber ensembles more performing opportunities. She also founded Vantage Music and magazine Vantage in promoting classical music in Hong Kong and the surrounding regions, especially for the new generation of Asia-based international artists.
Cindy’s teachers include Choi Sown Le, Ruth Nye, Aaron Shorr and Alfred Lee.