專業評判團 Adjudicators
Dr. Yoonie Han
被譽為「行雲流水的音符、詩意盎然的句法及有如天籟的旋律」(辛辛那提問詢報)及「充 滿音樂的想像力和令複雜紋理變為生動的畫面」(華盛頓郵報),來自南韓的鋼琴家韓崙廷 曾囊括多個享譽國際的鋼琴比賽大獎,在這段時間,她更在美國與全球多個主要演奏廳 中,以其優雅精湛的演奏贏得至高讚譽。
韓氏在2009年於Gawon Music Award音樂頒獎禮中獲得「17 - 31歲不分國籍界別中最具潛 質⻜升國際最耀眼的鋼琴家」的殊榮。韓氏除了曾於華盛頓國際鋼琴大賽、傅爾布萊特 (Fulbright)協奏曲比賽、世界鋼琴比賽、Kosciuszko蕭邦鋼琴比賽、美國茱莉亞音樂學院 的吉娜.巴考爾鹽湖城國際鋼琴比賽、Frederich Nordmann鋼琴比賽、蕭邦鋼琴比賽及音樂 教師國立聯會鋼琴比賽等不同比賽中獲得第一名外,亦在赫爾辛基Maj Lind國際鋼琴比 賽、Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli Prize、Concorso Pianistico Ettore Pozzoli Internaziole, Valencia-Paterna 國際鋼琴比賽, 和 Rencontre 國際鋼琴比賽中獲得多個重要獎項。韓氏除 於2001年的韓國國立音樂比賽中獲得大獎與韓國文化部冠以「最具潛質年⻘藝術家」的稱 號以外,她也分別是意大利學院基金所頒發的「喝采」獎項及倫敦鍵盤琴信託基金獎項的 得獎者。
自從13歲於首爾藝術中心與首爾交響樂團作個人獨奏首演之後,韓氏曾與多個世界知名的 樂團合作,共有柏林交響樂團、水牛城交響樂團、赫爾辛基交響樂團、休斯敦交響樂團、
班夫節日管弦樂團、聖克魯斯交響樂團、Artosphere亞圖斯非節日管弦樂團、米蘭下午音 樂交響樂團、韓國江南交響樂團、土耳其總統交響樂團、新澤⻄節日管弦樂團、博卡拉頓 交響樂團、新阿姆斯特丹管弦樂團、南新澤⻄交響樂團、密⻄⻄比交響樂團、阿肯色州交 響樂團及茱莉亞預科學院交響樂團。韓氏亦曾於多個著名表演場地演出,包括柏林愛樂音 樂廳、阿姆斯特丹音樂廳、林肯表演藝術中心、卡內基大廳、肯尼迪表演藝術紀念中心、 聖約翰神明座堂、弗里完收藏博物館、芝加哥交響中心、波士頓大學坦格活德音樂節、華 盛頓大使館系列、洛克菲勒大學Tri-Noon系列、蜜拉海絲系列、菲利普斯收藏系列、意大 利⻉加莫音樂節、巴黎Salle Cortot、捷完莫扎特博物館及韓國世宗文化會館等。於2012- 13年,在傅爾布萊特基金的支持下,韓氏於美國及歐洲不同的施坦威會堂作巡迴演出。韓 氏的表演也曾於紐約WQXR、NPR的藝術家展、芝加哥的WFMT等不同電台作廣播。
韓氏首張灌錄的唱片專輯《Romantic Piano》在2013年由Concert Artists Guild發行;由施坦 威唱片發行的第二張唱片專輯《愛與期待》在2014年獲得WQXR電台的「本週專輯」及 曾於「古典音樂排行榜」位列第21位。最新之專輯《戈雅畫集》(Goyescas)亦由施坦威唱 片於2017年,為記念⻄班牙作曲家戈拉納多斯(Enrique Granados)的誕生150週年而發行。而第四張專輯亦由施坦威唱片於2019年發行,韓氏演繹原籍委內瑞拉的法國作曲家哈恩 (Reynaldo Hahn)的《心急如焚的夜鶯》(Le Rossignol Eperdu) 全集。韓氏的最新專輯 "Hollywood Romance"(2020)由環球唱片發行,彈奏荷里活電影中的著名經典古典音樂。作為室樂的熱衷者,韓氏身兼,「Gloriosa 鋼琴三重奏」的創辦人及鋼琴家。其首張專輯 在2019年由Centaur Records唱片公司發行。
韓氏於柯蒂斯音樂學院取得學士學位,其後於茱莉亞音樂學院獲取音樂碩士學位及取得紐 約州立大學石溪分校頒發的博士學位。她在2015至2018年其間於土耳其比爾肯特大學擔任鋼琴與室樂助理教授與藝術活動統籌工 作。她是比爾肯特國際鋼琴節,以及土耳其韓國文化中心的⻘年藝術家音樂會系列的創始 人及藝術總監,她並且是土耳其施坦威兒童獎的創始總監及主席。她目前是香港浸會大學鋼琴助理教授。
Praised for her "flowing tones, poetic phrasing and heavenly singing melodies" (Cincinnati Inquirer), and “musical imagination and feel for complex textures that drew vivid images” (Washington Post), South Korean pianist Yoonie Han has won top prizes in distinguished international competitions and the highest accolades for her elegant performances in major concert halls around the world.
In 2009, Yoonie Han was honored with the Gawon Music Award as the “most brilliant pianist aged 17 to 31 of any nationality who possesses the most promising potential for global prominence.” She is the first-prize winner of the Washington International Piano Competition, Fulbright Concerto Competition, World Piano Competition, Kosciuszko Chopin Competition, Juilliard’s Gina Bachauer Piano Competition, Juilliard’s Frederich Nordmann Piano Competition, Juilliard’s Chopin Piano Competition, Music Teachers’ National Association Piano Competition, and has garnered major prizes at the Helsinki Maj Lind International Piano Competition, Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli Prize, Concorso Pianistico Ettore Pozzoli Internaziole, Valencia-Paterna International Piano Competition, and Rencontre International Piano Competitions. Following her 2001 grand-prize award in the Korea National Music Competition, the Korean Ministry of Culture named her its “Most Promising Young Artist.” She is the recipient of “Brava!” award given by the Italian Academy Foundation, as well as an award from London Keyboard Trust.
Having made her solo debut with the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra at Seoul Arts Center at age 13, Ms. Han has since performed with the Berliner Symphoniker, Buffalo Philharmonic, Helsinki Philharmonic, Houston Symphony, Banff Festival Orchestra, Santa Cruz Symphony, Artosphere Festival Orchestra, I Pomeriggi Musicali di Milan, Gangnam Symphony Orchestra of Korea, Presidential Symphony Orchestra of Turkey, New Jersey Festival Orchestra, New Amsterdam Orchestra, Philharmonic of Southern New Jersey, and Juilliard Symphony Orchestra. A graceful, sensitive, and powerful recitalist, Yoonie Han has played at such celebrated venues as at the Berlin Philharmonie, Concertgebouw, Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall, Kennedy Center, Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Frick Collection, Symphony Space, Tanglewood Festival, Bergamo Festival in Italy, Salle Cortot in Paris, and Sejong Performing Arts Center in Korea. In 2012-13, with the supports from Fulbright Foundation, she toured major Steinway Halls in the U.S. and Europe.
She has recorded three albums with the Steinway Records. The first album ‘Love and Longing’ (2014) was “Album of the week” on WQXR and made the Top 21 on the Billboard Classical Chart. The second album, ‘Goyescas’ (2017) was released to mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of the composer, Enrique Granados. The third album presents the complete ‘Le Rossignol Éperdu’ (2019) by Reynaldo Hahn. Her previous album ‘Romantic Piano’ (2013) was released on Concert Artists Guild. A devoted chamber musician, she’s a founder and pianist at Gloriosa Piano Trio. The trio’s debut album (2019) was released on the Centaur Records label.
Ms. Han received her Bachelor’s degree from the Curtis Institute of Music, her Master of Music degree from the Juilliard School, and her Doctorate from Stony Brook University.
She was an Assistant Professor of Piano at Bilkent University in Turkey in 2015-18. She is the founder and Artistic Director of the Istanbul International Piano Festival and Steinway Award in Turkey. She is currently an Assistant Professor of Piano at Hong Kong Baptist University.
Yoonie Han is a Steinway Artist.
Dr. Kawai Chan 陳家尉
陳家尉演出足跡遍及世界各地如意大利、奧地利、香港、台灣和美國各大音樂廳,曾合作樂團包括有:Della Fondazione Salina 和 Filarmonica Italiana。求藝途中屢獲獎項,曾榮獲Mary Hayes North鋼琴大賽和紐約帝國鋼琴大賽冠軍 。亦曾成功晉身千島鋼琴大賽決賽。陳家尉於求學期間,成績斐然,曾獲眾多助學金及獎學金。攻讀本科學位期間,獲伊薩卡學院全額獎學金,其後獲琵琶迪音樂學院獎學金並於該學院完成碩士學位。在密歇根州立大學攻讀博士學位期間,除一般獎學金之外,陳家尉亦是著名「研究提昇獎」獎學金的兩名獲獎者之一。回居香港,陳家尉致力推廣古典音樂,積極參與各種演藝和教學活動,先後與不同領域之藝術家合作,舉辦鋼琴獨奏會及參與各種音樂演出。陳家尉目前任教於浸會大學音樂學學院。
Kawai Chan has performed extensively as a soloist and collaborative artist in Austria, Italy, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and throughout the United States. She has performed with various orchestras including Orchestra della Foundazione Salina and Orchestra Filarmonica Italiana. Awarded first prize at the Mary Hayes North competition and the Empire State Piano competition in New York, Kawai was a finalist at the Thousand Island Piano Competition. A recipient of many grants and fellowships, Kawai was awarded a full scholarship to attend Ithaca College where she graduated magna cum laude. While at Peabody Conservatory she was awarded the Peabody Grant for her Master's studies. During her doctorate studies at Michigan States University, Kawai was one of the winners of the Research Enhancement Award in addition to the other scholarship and fellowship. Her principal teachers include Read Gainsford, Boris Slutsky, and George Vatchnadze. Kawai continues to be active in both performing and teaching. She has given recitals and collaborated with various artists and performed at different concert series including Music Alive Series at HKUST, Citibank Plaza Concert Series; Art, Culture, and Music at the airport; and Music of Friends at RTHK Radio 4. Kawai is currently an adjunct lecturer and artist teacher at Hong Kong Baptist University.
Ms. Karen Sung 宋可樟
宋可樟獲香港賽馬會音樂及舞蹈信託基金獎學金赴美國新英格蘭音樂學院攻讀音樂碩士,師承Gabriel Chodos。早年於香港演藝學院接受音樂訓練,畢業於香港中文大學音樂系,師承黃明憲女士及黃懿倫教授。
A graduate of the New England Conservatory under the tutelage of Gabriel Chodos, Karen Sung holds a Master of Music degree in piano performance on the Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund Scholarship. Sung received her early training at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) with a Bachelor’s degree in music. Her former teachers include Katherine Huang and Eleanor Wong.
An active performer, Sung has given recitals and concerts in the United States, Germany, Austria, Macau and Hong Kong. Her appearance as the soloist of Clara Schumann’s piano concerto has earned critical acclaim and enthusiastic audience response. Other concert appearances included performances at the Saarburg Festival, Mozarteum Festival in Salzburg, CUHK Concert Series, “Sound of Art” Concert Series of the Art Museum of Hong Kong, Musica del Cuore, RTHK 4 Concerts, among others. Sung was invited as a guest pianist for the CD recording of Chung Chi Choir in celebration of the 50th anniversary of CUHK music department.
Sung was awarded a full scholarship to study with the world-renowned pianist Dang Thai Son at the Kirishima International Music Festival in Japan. She was also the recipient of the AIA Foundation Music Scholarship awarded by the Asian Cultural Council, which supported her study at the Aspen Music Festival in Colorado.
As an avid chamber musician, Sung is the pianist and founding member of Dawning Quartet. She has been giving concerts in Hong Kong with the quartet regularly since 2014, presenting a diverse range of piano quartet repertoires to the local audiences. Their performance and interview have been recorded for the RTHK 4’s program. They were also invited by the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild to perform in the “New Generation Concert” and “SOUND-IMAGination” concert.
Also a committed teacher, Sung has taught at the Hong Kong Summer Music. She is the Fellow of the Trinity College London and has been invited as an adjudicator for various piano competitions. She is currently on the faculty of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.
Dr. Po-Kwan Law 羅保莙
羅保莙生於香港,於美國伊利諾大學厄本那香檳分校取得了合唱指揮博士學位,並獲頒發舒埃茲華倫紀念獎學金以表揚其優秀指揮及教學表現。羅氏於奧伯連音樂學院取得鋼琴演奏音樂學士,並分別於伊利諾大學取得管弦樂指揮碩士、於奧伯連音樂學院取得合唱指揮碩士及於三藩市音樂學院取得鋼琴演奏碩士。她曾追隨阿維斯、史杜茲夫斯、富萊特、舒利沙、葉惠康、德費及麥卡雷等大師學習鋼琴演奏和指揮。 羅氏常獲邀為客席指揮、評判、指揮大師班導師、管弦樂團及合唱工作坊導師,足跡遍佈美亞等地。曾擔任奧伯連學院合唱團、三藩市巴洛克古樂團、伊利尼弦樂團、伊利諾大學管弦樂團、伊利諾室樂團、澳門樂團、澳門演藝學院管弦樂團及泛亞交響樂團的客席指揮。羅氏曾擔任香港兒童交響樂團常任指揮,以及亞洲青年管弦樂團合唱團、上海愛樂樂團合唱團的排練指揮。羅氏現為浸會大學音樂學學院全職講師。
A pianist and conductor born in Hong Kong, Law Po Kwan received her Doctor of Musical Arts degree in choral conducting from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, where she was the recipient of the Schuetz H. Warren Memorial Scholarship for conducting and teaching excellence. She holds a Bachelor degree in piano performance from the Oberlin Conservatory, and Master degrees in choral conducting, piano performance and orchestral conducting, from Oberlin Conservatory, San Francisco Conservatory of Music and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign respectively. Her piano and conducting mentors include Chester Alwes, Monique Duphil, Hugh Floyd, Mack McCray, Donald Schleicher, Fred Stoltzfus, and Yip Wai Hong.
Law has been a sought after guest conductor, adjudicator, choral and orchestral clinician. Her guest conducting engagements included Oberlin College Choir, Oberlin Musical Union, San Francisco Conservatory Baroque Ensemble, Illini String Orchestra, University of Illinois Philharmonia, Illinois Chamber Orchestra, Macao Orchestra, Macao Conservatory Orchestra and Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra. Law is currently a full time lecturer in the Academy of Music of the Hong Kong Baptist University.
Ms. Stella Wong 王秀婷
王氏早年於香港中文大學主修音樂,獲一等榮譽畢業,其後她獲香港賽馬會音樂及舞蹈基金獎學金全數贊助學費及生活費,遠赴美國印弟安納大學修讀,考獲鋼琴演奏音樂碩士,並師從世界著名鋼琴家 Menahem Pressler (Beaux Art Trio 創辦人 )。 Menahem Pressler 是貝多芬的直接第五代傳人。她的其他主要老師包括吳美樂博士及陳兆勳先生。
她曾於莫斯科音樂學院、Adamant音樂學校、及紐約的 International Keyboard Institute & Festival 參與表演,並受指導於世界著名鋼琴家Victor Rosabaum, Jerome Rose, Mikhail Olenyev 及 Jenny Zakharyeva 等等。除了賽馬會音樂及舞蹈基金獎學金之外,她亦曾獲多個其他獎項,包括尤德爵士紀念獎學金、龔約翰龐萬倫大獎、胡格非畢業生海外深造紀念獎學金、美國印弟安納大學音樂獎學金、萬瑞亭獎學金、富爾敦獎學金、東亞銀行獎學金及香港中文大學學術創作獎等等。
她現時為香港教育大學鋼琴導師,並於多間院校任教鋼琴演奏及鋼琴教學法。她亦經常舉辦鋼琴大師班及鋼琴教學法之工作坊和講座,培育出不少鋼琴老師。近年她亦屢次獲邀到香港中文大學音樂系對有關鋼琴教學法作客席講課。她亦曾為多間大專院校擔任校外考試官,及於多個大型鋼琴比賽中擔任評判,其中包括全港青少年鋼琴大賽、香港青少年鋼琴公開賽、香港國際青少年表演藝術節、聯校音樂大賽、英國 Purcell 國際青少年鋼琴比賽、德國萊茵古典國際鋼琴比賽等等。她現在是香港國際鋼琴教學法協會主席,並經常舉辦不同類型的鋼琴導師增值講座及課程,提升本地鋼琴老師的技能、教學質素及鋼琴資歷。
Stella Wong has won a full scholarship from Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund for her Master degree of Music in Piano Performance from Indiana University (Bloomington, U.S.A.). Before that, she got the Bachelor Degree of Arts (Music), with first class honors, from The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
She studied with Distinguished Professor Menahem Pressler (founder of Beaux Arts Trio) from Indiana University, who is the direct 5th generation descendent from Beethoven and descendent from Franz Liszt and Carl Czerny. Her other teachers include Dr Mary Wu and Mr Chan Siu Fun.
She has performed in Moscow Conservatory International Summer School, Adamant Music School and International Keyboard Institute & Festival in New York during summer. There she has learnt from some world-renowned teachers, including Victor Rosabaum, Jerome Rose, Mikhail Olenyev and Jenny Zakharyeva etc.
Besides music scholarship from Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund, some of her other awards include Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarship, Kunkle and Pommerende Grand Scholarship, C.F. Hu Postgraduate Memorial Scholarship, Indiana University Scholarship, Bernard Van Zuiden Music Prize, S.C. Leung Music Prize, Lord Fulton Memorial Prize, Bank of East Asia Golden Jubilee Scholarship and Academic Creativity Award.
She is currently a piano instructor in The Education University of Hong Kong and the chairman of Hong Kong International Piano Pedagogy Association.
Dr. Kiu-Tung Poon 潘曉彤
青年施坦威藝術家潘曉彤活躍於北美及亞洲,於美國丶英國丶德國丶法國丶奧地利丶葡萄牙丶新加坡丶馬來西亞丶中國丶香港丶澳門等地演出,曾應邀參與美國坦格烏音樂節及阿斯本音樂節丶北京長城國際音樂節及法國五月藝術節演出,經常應邀於歐美大學及學術論壇上發表講座及獨奏會。潘氏熱衷於現代音樂,曾與多位美國及中國作曲家合作,經常演奏新作品,在坦格烏德音樂節與Mark Morris舞蹈團的首演更獲得《紐約時報》丶《波士頓鳳凰城報》等好評。
潘曉彤畢業於香港中文大學丶美國印第安納大學布明頓分校及得克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校,以全額獎學金完成鋼琴演奏音樂藝術博士學位,在學期間獲獎無數,並一直兼任助教。師承鄭慧丶Jean-Louis Haguenauer丶郭嘉特丶Anton Nel,亦隨Michel Béroff丶Claude Frank丶Jean-François Heisser丶John O’Conor丶Garrick Ohlsson丶John Perry及 Manahem Pressler習琴。
潘氏多次在任國際鋼琴比賽評委及於北美大學任教大師班,現任香港中文大學音樂系表演藝術講師及演奏課程統籌 。
Young Steinway Artist Kiu Tung Poon appeared as recitalist and collaborative pianist on concert stages in the US, UK, France, Germany, Portugal, Vienna, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Macau, and Mainland China. International music festival appearances include Tanglewood and Aspen in the US, Great Wall in Beijing, and Le French May in Hong Kong. Her performances were broadcasted on RTHK Radio 4, Austin’s KMFA, and Teledifusão de Macau among others. As an advocate of new music, she was privileged to work with today’s foremost American and Chinese composers and has given numerous lecture-recitals and performances in the US, Asia, and Europe on Chinese-Western syncretism. Her world première of Mark Morris/Samuel Barber’s Excursions with Mark Morris Dance Group in the Tanglewood Music Festival received enthusiastic review by critics writing for The New York Times and Boston Phoenix.
Graduated from the Indiana University Bloomington and the University of Texas at Austin with a DMA in Piano Performance, her principal mentors were Cheng Wai, Jean-Louis Haguenauer, Gabriel Kwok, and Anton Nel. She also worked with Michel Béroff, Claude Frank, Jean-François Heisser, John O’Conor, Garrick Ohlsson, John Perry, and Manahem Pressler during summers. She currently teaches at her alma mater The Chinese University of Hong Kong as a lecturer in performance and serves as the performance stream coordinator in the Department of Music. More information available at www.kiutung.com.
Mr. Ivan Wong 黃德偉
黃德偉畢業於美國波士頓大學,師承鋼琴教授Anthony di Bonaventura主修鋼琴演奏,獲頒音樂碩士學位。黃氏十歲開始學習鋼琴,早年師承閻韻老師並畢業於香港中文大學音樂系。
黃氏的演奏獲英國皇家音樂學院鋼琴系主任Vanessa Latarche形容為「具深度而真摯的演繹,表現出對音樂藝術一絲不苟的態度。」他曾獲邀參加於美國賓夕凡尼亞西徹斯特大學舉行的Brandywine國際鋼琴學院。另外,他亦曾於多個大師班中演奏,包括Edward Auer, Gustavo Romero, Dr. Corey Hamm及李氏三重奏等。2007年曾於加拿大蒙特利爾麥基爾大學跟隨Alexandre Solopov學習鋼琴及David Cubek博士學習音樂理論。他曾獲崇基學院頒發盧巨川獎學金以表揚他在鋼琴傑出的表現。
黃氏曾任職於西九文化區管理局的表演藝術部。他撰寫的音樂評論曾刊登於香港經濟日報及藝PO。他在《新視野藝術節》中撰寫的藝術評論更獲收錄於由國際演藝評論家協會(香港分會)出版的藝評集。黃氏曾獲聲蜚音樂節邀請於Franz Huijts聲樂大師班及音樂會中演出。此外,與鋼琴家妻子的二重奏組合於《樂•心》演奏會系列中演出。
除了鋼琴演出及教學,他亦獲邀於香港、廣州及深圳等地各類鋼琴比賽擔任評判。黃氏亦是香港極少數的鋼琴家以優異成績獲英國皇家音樂學院頒發鋼琴演奏院士文憑 (FRSM with Distinction)。
Wong Tak Wai Ivan is a graduate of Boston University College of Fine Arts with a Master of Music degree in piano performance. He was a student of the legendary pianist Anthony di Bonaventura. He received music training at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in music under the tutelage of renowned pianist Yim Wan. Wong also studied piano with Alexandre Solopov and music theory with Dr. David Cubek at the McGill University. He was selected to the Brandywine International Piano Institute at the West Chester University of Pennsylvania. He has performed in masterclasses for Edward Auer, Gustavo Romero, Dr. Corey Hamm and Lee Trios, among others. He was invited by Musica del Cuore to give piano duo recitals at the Citibank Plaza. His collaboration with SingFest as the official pianist for the vocal masterclass and concert by Prof. Franz Huijts received audience acclaim. Besides performing, he was also invited as an adjudicator for piano competitions in Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. He is the Fellow of the Royal Schools of Music (FRSM) with Distinction.
Ms. Christina Kwok 郭婷
郭婷曾於於香港演藝學院修讀初級音樂課程, 於2001年畢業於香港中文大學攻讀鋼琴演奏, 期間師承 David Gwilt 教授及 吳美樂博士(Dr. Mary Wu) , 獲取獎學金選為代表香港在日本霧島音樂節中演奏。郭氏在畢業後取得皇家音樂學院的獎學金,並於倫敦皇家音樂學院 (Royal College of Music) 繼續鋼琴演奏研究課程, 師承 John Barstow 及 Yonty Solomon。繼而憑著香港賽馬會音樂及舞蹈信託基金,在美國羅徹斯特大學 (University of Rochester) 的伊士曼音樂學院 (Eastman School of music) 完成鋼琴演奏及文學碩士課程, 師承 Professor Barry Snyder 及 Fernardo Laires。
郭氏曾於美國、英國、香港及澳門作不同類型的獨奏及室樂演出, 擔任香港作曲家聯會現代樂團鋼琴家, 2013年代表香港參與北京現代音樂節檐任獨奏及室樂演奏, 更舉辦個人多媒體演奏會 ‘Flux and Form’, 並於2017年再次於文化中心演出。
Christina was a Junior Music Programme Scholarship student at the Academy for Performing Arts. She attained her music degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, where she studied piano under the tutelage of Professor David Gwilt and Dr. Mary Wu. Christina has been awarded several scholarships during her musical training. She has been selected to represent Hong Kong to join and give a performance in the Kirishima International Music Festival in Japan with a full scholarship. Soon after graduation, she was further awarded the scholarship from the Royal College of Music and completed her Postgraduate diploma (Solo/Ensemble Recitalist) in Performance there in London, where she studied under the renowned pianists John Barstow and Yonty Solomon. Following that, Christina pursued her music studies and attained her Master Degree in Piano Performance and Literature at Eastman School of Music, the University of Rochester in the United States under the guidance of Professor Barry Snyder and Professor Fernardo Laires, and with the full scholarship from Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund.
After returning to Hong Kong, She was the pianist in the New Music Ensemble organized by the Hong Kong Composer Guild. She performed as soloist and ensembles in the Beijing Modern Music Festival in May 2013. She also had her own première solo multimedia concert ‘Flux and Form’ in 2013 Nov and rerun the in 2017 at the Cultural Centre.
Dr. Karl Lo 盧嘉
鋼琴演奏家盧嘉博士曾於多個鋼琴比賽獲獎,亦是首位在美國, 加拿大和中國公演全套32首貝多芬鋼琴奏鳴曲的華人青年鋼琴家。他的CD唱片已由美國BRIOSO唱片公司發行﹐美國權威唱片雜誌American Record Guide認為“確實是令人留下非常深刻的印象”。 盧嘉在2004年獲美國克利夫蘭音樂學院頒發鋼琴藝術博士學位, 並早於2002年受聘為該校教師﹐教授鋼琴﹐樂理和鋼琴藝術史。 由於教學成績優異﹐ 他被提名為2007-08年度最優秀教師。 盧嘉博士現任教於香港演藝學院及浸會大學,及英國聖三一音樂院香港區顧問兼演奏文憑考官。
Critically acclaimed as a “performer who impresses without reservations” by the American Record Guide, Karl Lo is a touring recitalist and an active collaborative artist. He soloed with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra and the Cleveland Institute of Music Orchestra, and has given recitals across the USA, Canada, Venezuela, and China, including complete cycles of Beethoven piano, violin, and cello sonatas. His 2007 presentation of the 32 Beethoven piano sonatas in Chongqing, China, marked the country’s premier performance of such collection. In recent years, he annual concert and lecture tours in the Mainland has brought him to well over 40 cities and regions.
Aside from concert engagements, his debut 2-CD recording featuring the last six piano sonatas by Beethoven has been released under the Brioso label. He also co-organized a fund-raising concert “Music Marathon 2011” which benefited the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Alumni Association. In addition, he is frequently invited to judge local and foreign competitions, and has served as guest examiner and lecturer at Guangzhou’s Xinghai Conservatory and the Shenzhen Arts School.
A frequent winner at competitions, Karl Lo won the grand prize at the Canadian Music Competition International Stepping Stone piano division, second prize at the Chopin Competition in New York, second prize at the Kosciuszko competition in Chicago, and fourth prize at the first Chopin Competition in Toronto. He was named a Liberace Scholar for three consecutive years, and was the recipient of many institutional awards, such as the Dean’s Talent Award, William Kruzban Prize in Piano, Arthur Loesser Prize in Piano, Louis Kaufman Prize in Chamber Music, and Piano Faculty Prize in Accompanying.
Karl Lo holds a doctorate degree from The Cleveland Institute of Music, and has previously attended the Oberlin College Conservatory, Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto, and the Academy for Performing Arts in Hong Kong. His primary teachers include Daniel Shapiro, Paul Schenly, Monique Duphil, Boris Lysenko, and John Winther. In addition, he has worked with renowned pianists including Barry Snyder, Dmitri Bashkirov, Ferenc Rados, Fou Ts’ong, Gabriel Kwok, Jerome Lowenthal, Murray Perahia, Russell Sherman, Seymour Lipkin, Stephen Hough, and Yin Chen-Zong.
Karl Lo was a faculty member at the Cleveland Institute of Music from 2002-2008. As a collegiate instructor, his inspiring approach to lecturing has earned him the nomination for the prestigious 2008 Carl F. Wittke Award for teaching excellence. He is recently appointed regional consultant by the Trinity College London (Hong Kong), and is currently teaching at the Hong Kong Baptist University and the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.
Ms. Jacqueline Leung 梁維芝
梁維芝生於香港,在英美深造多年,表演足跡遍及世界各地,被譽爲集 「音樂才華、過人智慧、超凡技藝」 於一身的鋼琴家。她曾獲葡萄牙國家古典音樂電台頒發Antena 2演奏大獎, 至今發行過兩張個人專輯。
梁氏經常獲邀到國際音樂節作客席藝術家演出,亦活躍於評審及講學的工作,近年曾擔任施坦威國際青少年鋼琴比賽, WPTA 葡萄牙國際鋼琴比賽,李斯特國際公開賽等之評判。梁氏熱衷於室樂演奏, 2020年成立了鳳凰四重奏。梁維芝自幼就讀香港演藝學院, 跟隨湯翠芬和黃懿倫教授, 及後赴英國就讀音樂學校。中學畢業後考取獎學金於英國皇家音樂學院於卓一龍教授指導下取得鋼琴演奏學士及鋼琴教學文憑,及後到跟隨美國著名Tamas Ungar 教授深造考獲鋼琴碩士。
梁維芝曾出任英國皇家音樂學院香港校友會主席多年, 2015年獲英國皇家音樂學院頒發ARAM院士。往年為北京師範大學-香港浸會大學-國際聯合書院音樂系高級講師, 現任倫敦聖三一考試局文憑級考官。
Pianist Jacqueline Leung is a laureate of the Antena 2 prize, awarded by the national classical music radio station in Portugal. Described as a player who possesses ‘musicality, intelligence and technical finesse’, she has performed in festivals and concerts all over the world and is a frequent jury member at competitions.
Jacqueline studied at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts as a child with Chuifun Poon and Prof. Eleanor Wong. She subsequently attended Wells Cathedral School, one of the four specialist music schools in England as a specialist piano student under the tutelage of Ms Hilary Coates. Upon graduation, she trained as a scholar at the Royal Academy of Music in London, obtaining the LRAM piano teaching diploma and BMus degree under the guidance of Prof. Patsy Toh. She completed her Master’s degree with Dr. Tamas Ungar, one of the best known pedagogues in the USA at Texas Christian University. Jacqueline served as the chairperson of the Royal Academy of Music HK Alumni Association for many years and in 2013, she was elected as an Associate of the Royal Academy of Music (ARAM), in recognition of her significant contribution in the musical field.
She has released two solo albums and as a passionate chamber musician, she is a founding member of the Phoenix Piano Quartet. Apart from music, Jacqueline holds a Master of Arts degree from the Department of Comparative Literature from the University of Hong Kong.
Jacqueline taught piano and chamber music as Senior Lecturer at BNU-HKBU United International College in Zhuhai, China and she is currently a music diploma examiner for Trinity College London and planning the release of a new album.
Dr. Timothy Kwok 郭家豪
鋼琴家郭家豪曾在北美及歐亞多個城市獻藝,如意大利Fazioli演奏廳、美國辛辛那提Bearcat鋼琴節、布拉格國際鋼琴學院、北京現代音樂節、中央音樂學院、廣州交響樂團樂季開幕週等。作為獨奏家,他曾四度獲邀演奏作曲家陳其鋼的鋼琴協奏曲《二黃》,獲樂評稱譽「細膩精緻」。郭氏曾伙拍黃濱(帕格尼尼小提琴大賽、慕尼黑國際國際小提琴比賽首獎得主)、景煥(廣州交響樂團常任指揮)、郭雅志(嗩吶演奏大師)、李嘉齡(華沙蕭邦國際鋼琴比賽得獎者)、焦元溥(著名樂評人、暢銷音樂作家)、 李宜錦(台灣NSO樂團前首席、台北藝術大學小提琴教授)、羅曼四重奏等音樂家同台演出,亦經常為香港電台擔任節目主持及錄音,並曾為時裝雜誌撰寫結合流行文化及古典音樂的專欄文章。
Praised for his “exquisite and refined” playing, pianist Timothy Kwok was trained at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Indiana University, and the University of Cincinnati where he gained his Doctorate of Musical Arts in piano performance. He is also named a Fellow of Trinity College London. His major mentors include Mary Wu, Edmund Battersby, Eugene and Elisabeth Pridonoff. Additional studies were with Gabriel Kwok, Ivo Pogorelich, Jean-Yves Thibaudet, James Tocco, Emile Naoumoff, and Nelly Akopian-Tamarina.
He has performed extensively in the States, Europe, and Asia. As a soloist, he was invited to give four performances of Chen Qigang’s piano concerto Er Huang, including the concerto’s Guangzhou and Foshan premières. Kwok was appointed as the only Tangeman Graduate Teaching Assistant of Early Music at the University of Cincinnati, and later on served as a full-time lecturer at Macao Polytechnic’s Bachelor and Master’s Music Programmes. He was invited to be a Visiting Artist at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, and a Guest Lecturer at Singapore’s Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts. He is now a piano and harpsichord faculty member at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, as well as a piano instructor at the University of Hong Kong. Apart from performing and teaching, Kwok also hosts classical music programmes for Radio Television Hong Kong, and occasionally writes as a columnist for fashion magazine.
Kwok has named one of the first Steinway Honorary Teachers in Hong Kong since 2021.
Ms. Colleen Lee 李嘉齡
李嘉齡早年勇奪第十五屆蕭邦國際鋼琴大賽第六名,足跡遍踏世界各地,合作過的樂團包括以色列愛樂、華沙愛樂及香港管弦樂團等。2010-11年樂季,嘉齡出任香港小交響樂團駐團藝術家, 作不同範疇的演出。她也是大型音樂節常客,參加的音樂節包括波蘭蕭邦國際音樂節(杜斯尼奇)丶芬蘭艾斯普的樂誼國際音樂節和上海的當代音樂周。2019年嘉齡在力圖爵士指揮下首次與倫敦交響樂團同台演出。
Hong Kong pianist Colleen Lee achieved international recognition after winning 6th Prize at the 15th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition. She has performed extensively around the world in solo recitals, and with Orchestras such as the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, the China Philharmonic Orchestra, the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra and the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. She was the Artist Associate of Hong Kong Sinfonietta 2010 - 2011. Colleen has appeared in major festivals including the Duzniki Festival in Poland, Musicus Fest in Espoo, Finland and Shanghai New Music Week. She made her début with London Symphony Orchestra under Simon Rattle in 2019.
Colleen Lee studied under Professor Eleanor Wong at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and with Arie Vardi at the Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien in Hannover.
As an enthusiastic chamber musician, she frequently appears in chamber music festivals and collaborates with renowned soloists and chamber groups including the Shanghai Quartet. She is also a member of the RTHK Chamber Soloists formed in 2018. She is currently the Honorary Artist-in-Residence of the Education University of Hong Kong and a member of the piano faculty at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and at the Hong Kong Baptist University.
Dr. Elsa Lee 李蓉蓉
Hong Kong pianist Elsa Lee has appeared in solo and chamber recitals in Australia, England, Hong Kong, Poland, and the United States. Her performance of Ginastera Piano Sonata No. 1 in Kraków, Poland was described as “...extraordinary, expressive, powerful, and vibrated the whole concert hall…” - Wiadomości24.pl (translated as News24.pl - Polish social information service founded in 2006). Under the tutelage of Van Cliburn medalist Barry Snyder, Elsa earned her Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Piano Performance and Literature from the Eastman School of Music, with a minor in Instrumental Conducting. She was awarded the Vaughan Scholarship from Eastman and worked as a graduate assistant in studio and orchestral accompanying. Elsa also earned her Master of Music Studies from Sydney Conservatorium of Music and Bachelor (hons) of Music degree from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Her teachers include renowned pianists and pedagogues Nancy Loo, Raymond Young, Elizabeth Powell, and Gerard Willems.
Aside from performing, Elsa is also a dedicated educator. She earned a Master of Education degree from Columbia University in New York, USA, with concentrations in college-level teaching and educational technology. She was an instructor of applied piano lessons at Teachers College of Columbia University and Rutgers University Extension Division. Elsa is also an active presenter at music education conferences and was selected as one of the five Yamaha Graduate Fellows to work closely with deans and music faculty from across the United States at the Eastman Music Leadership Conference in 2017. Elsa was also nominated and elected as the Board Member for Performance to serve the College Music Society Northeast Chapter in the United States from 2018-2020. Elsa is currently based in Hong Kong, and teaching in Hong Kong Baptist University.