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Video Competition


(For all the regulations, Chinese version shall prevail)

Competition Classes


Video Competition

截止報名及最後遞交影片日期/Enrolment Deadline & Last day for Video Submission:  15/1/2025  (GMT+8 23:59)

錄影片及樂譜可在報名時即時上載,或於截止日期 15/1/2025 或之前把錄影片及樂譜連結在上載區遞交。上載區連結將會在成功報名後提供。
You can choose to upload video link and music sheet when submitting enrolment form OR submit via the submission link (link to be provided upon enrolment) on or before 15/1/2025. 


結果公布日期/Result Announcement:15/2/2025​

(於本會網頁和 HKIPPA facebook 公布/ Results will be posted on HKIPPA website & facebook)



For all the regulations, Chinese version shall prevail.


Live Competition

21, 27, 30, 31/12/2024

截止日期/Enrolment Deadline:  報名已經截止 Enrolment has ended

賽程網上公布日期/Competition Schedule Announcement on website: 11/12/2024


賽程會於11/12/2024 於此網頁公布,敬請留意,HKIPPA不會再作個別通知!

Competition schedule will be announced on this site on 11/12/2024. Competitors should check the schedule by themselves and there will be no individual notification!

場地/Live Competition Venue: 

香港大會堂高座演奏廳、香港文化中心排演室 CR1 & CR2 及其他專業表演場地

Hong Kong City Hall (Recital Hall) / Hong Kong Cultural Centre CR1 & CR2 / Other performance venues


(For all the regulations, Chinese version shall prevail)

專業評判團 Professional Adjudicators
(排 名 不 分 先 後 Listed in no particular order)

Marking Criteria


Rhythms, Musical sense, Tone, Techniques, Fluency, Accuracy, Style, Coherence


Awards for Participants

**冠丶亞丶季軍(必須達86分或以上及為該組別最高分的)- (可獲發奬盃/獎座及證書)
1st, 2nd, 3rd prize (86 marks or above & the highest of the class) - (Trophy and certificate will be given)

金獎(83分或以上),銀獎(78 - 82分),銅獎(70- 77分) -(可獲發獎牌及證書)
Gold (83 marks or above), Silver (78 - 82 marks), Bronze (70 - 77 marks)- (Medal and certificate will be given)

 ​** 冠亞季軍得獎者,不會同時獲發金獎 / 1st, 2nd, 3rd prize winners will not be awarded Gold Medals at the same time
** 小小鋼琴家初級組 & 小小鋼琴家高級組除外,此兩組有另外評分的標準 / except LPS-J & LPS-S, which has its own grading system

Awards for Teachers

1) 優秀鋼琴導師獎 獎狀/Elite Piano Teacher Award (Certificate)

其學生獲冠丶亞丶季軍的導師或音樂中心 / Piano Tutors or Music Centres with students getting 1st, 2nd, 3rd places in the competition

2) 鋼琴教學作育英才奬 獎座及獎狀/Pianist Nurturing Excellence Award (Trophy and Certificate)

凡推薦八位或以上學生參加比賽的導師或音樂中心 / Piano Tutors or Music Centres who recommend 8 or more students to join the competition

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