Mr. Ivan Wong
黃德偉 先生
Master of Music in Piano Performance in Boston University USA
黃德偉畢業於美國波士頓大學,師承鋼琴教授Anthony di Bonaventura主修鋼琴演奏,獲頒音樂碩士學位。黃氏十歲開始學習鋼琴,早年師承閻韻老師並畢業於香港中文大學音樂系。
黃氏的演奏獲英國皇家音樂學院鋼琴系主任Vanessa Latarche形容為「具深度而真摯的演繹,表現出對音樂藝術一絲不苟的態度。」他曾獲邀參加於美國賓夕凡尼亞西徹斯特大學舉行的Brandywine國際鋼琴學院。另外,他亦曾於多個大師班中演奏,包括Edward Auer, Gustavo Romero, Dr. Corey Hamm及李氏三重奏等。2007年曾於加拿大蒙特利爾麥基爾大學跟隨Alexandre Solopov學習鋼琴及David Cubek博士學習音樂理論。他曾獲崇基學院頒發盧巨川獎學金以表揚他在鋼琴傑出的表現。
黃氏曾任職於西九文化區管理局的表演藝術部。他撰寫的音樂評論曾刊登於香港經濟日報及藝PO。他在《新視野藝術節》中撰寫的藝術評論更獲收錄於由國際演藝評論家協會(香港分會)出版的藝評集。黃氏曾獲聲蜚音樂節邀請於Franz Huijts聲樂大師班及音樂會中演出。此外,與鋼琴家妻子的二重奏組合於《樂•心》演奏會系列中演出。
除了鋼琴演出及教學,他亦獲邀於香港、廣州及深圳等地各類鋼琴比賽擔任評判。黃氏亦是香港極少數的鋼琴家以優異成績獲英國皇家音樂學院頒發鋼琴演奏院士文憑 (FRSM with Distinction)。
Pianist WONG Tak Wai Ivan is a graduate of Boston University with a Master of Music degree in piano performance. He was a student of the late Anthony di Bonaventura. Started learning piano at the age of ten, he received music training at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in music under the tutelage of Yim Wan.
Wong’s playing has been described by Vanessa Latarche as “an intense and honest approach with respect for the music…which exhibited excellent concentration and love for music.” He was selected to the Brandywine International Piano Institute at the West Chester University of Pennsylvania. He has also performed in masterclasses for Edward Auer, Gustavo Romero, Dr. Corey Hamm and Lee Trios, among others. In 2007, Wong studied piano with Alexandre Solopov and music theory with Dr. David Cubek at the McGill University. He was the recipient of the Lo KuiChuen Scholarship awarded by the Chung Chi College. He has worked in the Performing Arts Department of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority.
Recent performances include collaboration with SingFest as the official pianist for the vocal masterclass and concert by Prof. Franz Huijts. Wong was also invited by the Musica del Cuore to give a piano duo recital with his wife.
Besides performing, Wong is also an active writer. His music reviews are frequently published in the Hong Kong Economic Times and Criticspo. His article written for the New Vision Arts Festival has been included in the “Collections of Art Criticisms” published by the International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong). Wong was also invited as an adjudicator for piano competitions in Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. He is the Fellow of the Royal Schools of Music (FRSM) with Distinction.