Dr. Kiu-Tung Poon
Lecturer in Music Department of Chinese University of Hong Kong
施坦威青年藝術家潘曉彤活躍於北美丶歐洲及亞洲,曾應邀參與美國的坦格活德音樂節、阿斯本音樂節丶北京長城國際音樂節丶法國五月藝術節丶倫敦聖馬田教堂及維也納金色大廳等演出。《伍德斯托克時報》對其法國印象派和當代鋼琴作品的演繹形容為“抒情和精湛的技藝…情感細膩”,在坦格活德音樂節與馬克·莫里斯舞蹈團的首演更獲得《紐約時報》丶《波士頓鳳凰城報》等一致好評。最新與小提琴家嚴天成灌錄的現代作品專輯由拿索斯唱片發行,被《美國唱片指南》譽為“生動而權威”,古典音樂權威雜誌《The Strad》稱為“富有果效的演奏”。
潘氏畢業於香港中文大學丶美國印第安納大學布明頓分校及得克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校,以全額獎學金完成鋼琴演奏音樂藝術博士學位,在學期間獲獎無數,並一直兼任助教。師承鄭慧丶Jean-Louis Haguenauer丶郭嘉特丶Anton Nel,亦隨Michel Béroff丶Claude Frank丶Jean-François Heisser丶John O’Conor丶Garrick Ohlsson丶John Perry及 Manahem Pressler等習琴。現任香港中文大學音樂系表演藝術講師及演奏課程統籌,教授鋼琴教學法丶鋼琴丶表演藝術專題丶室樂演奏丶音樂鑒賞等。潘氏亦多次任國際鋼琴比賽評委及應邀於北美大學講學和任教大師班。
Young Steinway Artist Kiu Tung Poon appeared as recitalist and collaborative pianist on concert stages in the US, UK, France, Germany, Portugal, Vienna, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Macau, and Mainland China. International music festival appearances include Tanglewood and Aspen in the US, Konzerthaus in Austria, St. Martin-in-the-Fields in London, Great Wall in Beijing, and Le French May in Hong Kong. As an advocate of new music, she was privileged to work with today’s foremost American and Chinese composers and has given numerous lecture-recitals and performances in the US, Asia, and Europe on Chinese-Western syncretism. Her rendition on Chinese and American contemporary compositions as well as Ravel's piano works was described as "lyrical and emotionally nuanced... displayed lyricism and virtuosity" (Woodstock Times). Her playing with violinist Patrick Yim on their latest Naxos release on American living composers was noted as "lively and authoritative" (American Record Guide). Her world première of Mark Morris/Samuel Barber’s Excursions with Mark Morris Dance Group in the Tanglewood Music Festival received enthusiastic review by critics writing for The New York Times and Boston Phoenix.
Graduated from the Indiana University Bloomington and the University of Texas at Austin with a DMA in Piano Performance, her principal mentors were Cheng Wai, Jean-Louis Haguenauer, Gabriel Kwok, and Anton Nel. She also worked with Michel Béroff, Claude Frank, Jean-François Heisser, John O’Conor, Garrick Ohlsson, John Perry, and Manahem Pressler during summers. She currently teaches at her alma mater The Chinese University of Hong Kong as a lecturer in performance and serves as the performance stream coordinator in the Department of Music.