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Dr. QIN Rong Ronie
秦蓉 博士


Piano Faculty of CUHK & Central Conservatory of Music & Artist-in-Residence at Tsinghua University, Beijing

秦蓉博士生於北京,九歲考入中央音樂學院附小,師從黎耘、邵丹教授;後升入附中,師從陳比剛、李其芳、周廣仁教授。1989年榮獲文化部首屆全國鋼琴演奏比賽第一名,並隨中央樂團在全國巡演擔任獨奏。中央電視臺和中央廣播電臺多次錄製了其演奏集錦。次年考入芬蘭西貝柳斯音樂學院,獲陳香梅女士獎學金深造,師從北歐著名音樂藝術家、鋼琴家Erik T. Tawaststjerna。在校期間多次與知名音樂家合作,進行了大量的室內樂演奏活動,和幾乎所有北歐一流交響樂團同台演出。在西貝柳斯音樂學院任教授期間,她積極為培養優秀輕年鋼琴家努力工作。2009年光榮爲美國總統奧巴馬在北京釣魚臺國賓館演奏。次年返港,先後在多家院校任職任教,包括香港教育學院、香港中文大學、中央音樂學院、瑞士卡萊多斯音樂學院、北京清華大學駐院藝術家等。所教導學生成績優異,屢次在國內外比賽中獲獎。她近年積極參與和策劃國內的音樂文化發展,活動包括各大院校、政府機關、慈善機構、社會團體、外國駐華文化中心、使館等場合的獨奏、重奏、講學、評委、研討會等活動百餘場。2023年,她榮獲第一屆「文化體育及旅遊局局長嘉許計劃」,成為54位獲獎者之一,以表揚其在推動文化藝術、創意產業、體育康樂及旅遊發展的卓越成就和貢獻。


Born in Beijing, is considered to be one of the foremost Finnish pianist of today. She holds degrees from Sibelius Academy of music. After winning the 1st prize at the National Piano Competition in 1989, she has gone on to win several international competitions. She teaches at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki. Her musical expertise covers a wide range of areas. To name only a few: solo recitalist, chamber musician, duo performer and adjudicator. During past decades, she also dedicated herself to the education of future pianists. Dr. Qin had the honor to perform for The United States president Barack Obama in 2009, Beijing. Employed by EduHK and CUHK on the next year. She teaches at the Central Conservatory of Music and the Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences Zurich. She is artist-in-residence at Tsinghua University, Beijing. She has taught many brilliant young performers and international competition winners. In 2023, she was the first to be awarded the Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism(SCST) Commendation Scheme and became one of the 54 honorees in recognition of her remarkable accomplishments and contributions in promoting the development of arts and culture, creative industries, sports and recreation, as well as tourism.

Her other roles in public service include serving on the member of the HKSAR Cantonese Opera Advisory Committee, Chairman of the Sir Jack Cater Scholarship Fund Selection Committee, Board of Trustees of the Lord Wilson Heritage Trust & Investment Committee, member of the Sir Robert Black Trust Fund Committee & Investment Committee, Director-General for Belt and Road Culture and Arts Education Association, Expert Committee member of Cultural Development Committee of the Chinese Children's Culture and Art Promotion Association, Board of Trustees of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund & Investment Committee, President of the Alumni Association of National wide Universities of Music (HK), Honorary President of the Central Conservatory of Music HK Alumni Association, Special Guest Representative of the All-China Women's Federation, member of the Yuen Long Town Hall Management Committee, Vice President of Beijing Haidian Overseas Federation, Committee member of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of Haidian Beijing(CPPCC), member of Federation of Hong Kong Beijing Organisation, etc..

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