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Dr. Timothy Kwok


Piano and Harpsichord Faculty at Chinese University of Hong Kong & Piano Instructor at University of Hong Kong

鋼琴家郭家豪曾在北美及歐亞多個城市獻藝,如意大利Fazioli演奏廳、美國辛辛那提Bearcat鋼琴節、布拉格國際鋼琴學院、北京現代音樂節、中央音樂學院、廣州交響樂團樂季開幕週等。作為獨奏家,他曾四度獲邀演奏作曲家陳其鋼的鋼琴協奏曲《二黃》,獲樂評稱譽「細膩精緻」。郭氏曾伙拍黃濱(帕格尼尼小提琴大賽、慕尼黑國際國際小提琴比賽首獎得主)、景煥(廣州交響樂團常任指揮)、郭雅志(嗩吶演奏大師)、李嘉齡(華沙蕭邦國際鋼琴比賽得獎者)、焦元溥(著名樂評人、暢銷音樂作家)、 李宜錦(台灣NSO樂團前首席、台北藝術大學小提琴教授)、羅曼四重奏等音樂家同台演出,亦經常為香港電台擔任節目主持及錄音,並曾為時裝雜誌撰寫結合流行文化及古典音樂的專欄文章。







Praised for his “exquisite and refined” playing, pianist Timothy Kwok was trained at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Indiana University, and the University of Cincinnati where he gained his Doctorate of Musical Arts in piano performance. He is also named a Fellow of Trinity College London. His major mentors include Mary Wu, Edmund Battersby, Eugene and Elisabeth Pridonoff. Additional studies were with Gabriel Kwok, Ivo Pogorelich, Jean-Yves Thibaudet, James Tocco, Emile Naoumoff, and Nelly Akopian-Tamarina.


He has performed extensively in the States, Europe, and Asia. As a soloist, he was invited to give four performances of Chen Qigang’s piano concerto Er Huang, including the concerto’s Guangzhou and Foshan premières. Kwok was appointed as the only Tangeman Graduate Teaching Assistant of Early Music at the University of Cincinnati, and later on served as a full-time lecturer at Macao Polytechnic’s Bachelor and Master’s Music Programmes. He was invited to be a Visiting Artist at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, and a Guest Lecturer at Singapore’s Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts. He is now a piano and harpsichord faculty member at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, as well as a piano instructor at the University of Hong Kong. Apart from performing and teaching, Kwok also hosts classical music programmes for Radio Television Hong Kong, and occasionally writes as a columnist for fashion magazine.


Kwok has named one of the first Steinway Honorary Teachers in Hong Kong since 2021.

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