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Ms. Vanessa Wong
黃蔚然 小姐

青年施坦威鋼琴藝術家 及 香港演藝學院鋼琴導師

Young Steinway Artist, Faculty of Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

香港鋼琴家黃蔚然自她年輕以來就獲得了多個國際獎項,其中包括澳洲新南威爾斯國際鋼琴比賽歷屆最年輕的冠軍; 美國第十七屆希爾頓國際鋼琴比賽亞軍等。黃氏曾是第七屆霍洛維茲國際鋼琴大賽最年輕的冠軍得主,並同時獲五項特別獎。


黃氏曾在各地著名音樂廳舉行演出,其中包括阿姆斯特丹音樂廳,巴黎科托特大廳,紐約施坦威音樂廳,紐約林肯中心, 紐約卡耐基廳,斯洛伐克愛樂管弦樂團音樂廳,中國保利劇院等。她亦曾在布里斯班,坎培拉,華盛頓,芝加哥,溫哥華,三藩市,洛杉磯,埃及,珠海,上海等多個城市演出。黃氏亦曾參與多個音樂藝術節的演出,其中包括美國紐波特國際藝術節的開幕獨奏會,第39屆和第46屆香港藝術節,香港大會堂樂萃系列,香港飛躍演奏:2020和2022年演奏系列,2022年香港回歸25週年文藝晚會,2023年法國五月藝術節,以及2024年「蓉城之秋」成都國際音樂節。


蔚然曾與多個知名樂團合作,其中包括香港管弦樂團,香港小交響樂團,澳大利亞堪培拉交響樂團,烏克蘭國家交響樂團,以色列新海法交響樂團,美國希爾頓交響樂團和耶魯愛樂樂團,澳門樂團等,香港兒童交響樂團等。她亦熱衷於室內樂,曾與國際小提琴家朱丹和大提琴家Jamal Aliyev 合作。她亦是耶魯大學香港校友會室樂社的成員之一。




黃氏生於香港,五歲考入香港演藝學院青少年音樂課程,並以一級榮譽學士學位畢業於香港演藝學院。之後她以全額獎學金考入美國約翰. 霍普金斯大學碩士學位,亦以全額獎學金考入美國耶魯大學音樂學院藝術家文憑。她的老師包括郭嘉特, 許寧,Boris Slutsky 及 Boris Berman。 她是香港賽馬會音樂及舞蹈信託基金獎學金、馮秉芬夫人及亞洲文化協會獎學金得主。她在促進國際藝術文化活動方面的傑出成就獲香港政府頒發表嘉許狀。




Hong Kong born pianist Vanessa Wai Yin Wong was the recipient of several international awards, among many of the awards she received since she was young, she was the youngest First Prize Winner of the Southern Highlands International Piano Competition in Australia, Second Prize Winner of the 17th Hilton Head International Piano Competition in the USA, the youngest Gold Medal winner in the 7th International Competition for Young Pianists in Memory of Vladimir Horowitz with five special prizes.


She has given recitals at major venues in USA, Europe and Asia, including the Concertgebouw of Amsterdam, Salle Cortot of Paris, Steinway Hall of New York, Carnegie Hall of New York, Slovak Philharmonic Concert Hall, Poly Theatres of China, and other cities such as Brisbane; Canberra; Washington D.C.; Chicago, Vancouver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Egypt.   She has also appeared at various music festivals, including the Opening of the Newport International Festival in the USA, the 39th and the 46th Hong Kong Arts Festivals, the Hong Kong City Hall Virtuosi Series, the 2020 and 2022 recital series by Premiere Performance of Hong Kong, the Grand Variety Show in Celebration of 25th Anniversary of Hong Kong ‘s Return to the Motherland, and the 2023 French May Arts Festival, the 30th “Autumn in Chengdu” International Music Festival in 2024.


Wong appeared in solo performances with a number of orchestras, among many of them were the Hong Kong Philharmonic, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Canberra Symphony Orchestra of Australia, National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine, New Haifa Symphony Orchestra of Israel, the Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra, Yale Philharmonia of USA, and the Macao Orchestra. She has also worked alongside distinguished conductors, including Edo de Waart, Edwin Outwater, John Morris Russell, and Dorian Wilson. As an active chamber musician, she has collaborated with renowned musicians such as Dan Zhu and Jamal Aliyev. She is also an active member of the Yale Chamber Music Society of Hong Kong.



In 2019, Wai Yin released her debut CD: Liszt’s Transcriptions from Operas by Auber and Verdi, under the Naxos label. The CD has received acclaim by  the Gramophone Magazine as ‘impressive, innate musicality and technical mastery.’


Born and raised in Hong Kong, Wai Yin completed the highly selective Artist Diploma program at the Yale School of Music. Before that, she completed her Bachelor of Music degree with First-class honors at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and a Master of Music Degree at the Peabody Conservatory of Johns Hopkins University. Her teachers include Gabriel Kwok, Hui Ling, Boris Slutsky, and Boris Berman


Wong was the recipient of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund, the Lady Fung Scholarship, and the Asian Cultural Council Scholarship. She was awarded a Certificate of Commendation by the Hong Kong Government in recognition of her outstanding achievements in promoting international arts and cultural activities.


Wai Yin now serves as the piano faculty of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and the Hong Kong Education University. She is a Young Steinway Artist.

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