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Xinge Bu
卜心歌 小姐


卜心歌, 生於中國山東省。1989 年考入北京中央音樂學院附屬小學, 師從吳元教授, 開始接受 專業的音樂教育。1997 年畢業於中央音樂學院附中, 並與同年夏天遠赴德國留學,曾就讀德國 的埃森音樂學院 及科隆音樂學院 師從 Alla Blatow, Helmut Weinrebe、 Pi-Hsien Chen、 Gerald Ham bitzer、Ketil Haugsand,先後取得鋼琴表演專業、古鍵琴表演專業以及歷史樂器演奏和巴洛克時 期聲樂的音樂碩士之碩士學位。

在德期間,卜氏曾獲比利時布魯日古鍵琴國際比賽榮譽提名獎。除 獨奏以外,卜心歌也有 著豐富的室內樂演奏經驗,曾獲聘為音樂節、大師班或音樂院校的專業鋼琴伴奏以及早期鍵盤 樂器伴奏。

自 2013 年來卜心歌定居香港,曾獲邀參加香港早期音樂協會、 香港創樂團、雅樂合奏團、 香港聲蜚合唱節及香港城市室樂團、香港教育大學、香港中文大學崇基書院之演出及巴洛克音 樂專题講學。2017 年,卜氏成功舉辦了梅湘鋼琴作品《對耶穌聖嬰之二十默想》獨奏音樂會, 并於 2018、2019 年以梅湘獨奏及室内樂作品(Harawi)分別受邀參與了法國五月藝術節聯辦音 樂會的演出。作爲短期講師,卜氏與 2018 年在君斯頓大學(Kingston University)教授了關於巴洛 克數字低音即興演奏方面的課程。並受香港教育大學邀請,進行了古鍵琴大師班的教學。現為 聖方濟各大學鋼琴導師以及香港教育大學指導巴洛克室内樂表演課程。

卜氏目前所使用的古鍵琴是由德國著名造琴師 Volker Platte 所作的雙排鍵 Mietke 古鍵琴。


Xinge Bu started to learn the piano with Prof. Wu Yuan at the Music School Attached to the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing. Xinge moved to Germany where she continued her study of piano with Alla Blatow, Prof. Pi-Hsien Chen and Prof. Helmut Weinrebe. During her stay in Germany, Xinge began her interest in historical keyboard instruments. After obtaining her Diploma in piano performance, she began to study the harpsichord with Prof. Ketil Haugsand, and the fortepiano with Prof. Gerald Hambitzer at the Hochschule fuer Musik and Tanz in Cologne, where she subsequently received her Master’s Degrees in harpsichord and piano performance.


Xinge has taken part in various music festivals as a soloist on piano, harpsichord or fortepiano, as well as a chamber musician in Utrecht Early Music Festival, Lenneper Cembalotage, Koelner Musiknacht. She was awarded the honorary prize at the International Harpsichord Competition in Bruges, Belgium in 2007. As an accompanist, she has been invited to play in several important masterclasses, including the European Academy Montepulciano, Masterclass Knechtsteden, etc. From 2006 to 2011, she worked as an accompanist in different classes at the Institut fuer Alte Musik in Hochschule fuer Musik und Tanz Cologne( Prof. R. Zipperling, Prof. U. Schmidt-Laukamp, Prof. Han-an Liu, Prof. V. Schussler, Prof. K. Wessel, Prof. R. Gwilt)


She moved to Hong Kong in 2013, and since then has participated in performances of the Early Music Society of Hong Kong, Hong Kong New Music Ensemble, Concerto da Camera, Hong Kong SingFest, and the Hong Kong City Chamber Orchestra. In March 2017, Xinge performed the rarely played piece “ vingt regards sur l 'Enfant Jésus”, she was also invited to Le French May festival in 2018/2019 with the Messiaen’s piano solo and chamber music( Harawi)programs, which show her fondness for Messiaen's music. As a guest lecturer, Xinge has been taught harpsichord masterclass in the Education University of Hong Kong recently. She worked as short-term lecturer for baroque improvisation at the Kingston University in 2018.


Xinge plays on a double manual Mietke copy made by the famous German harpsichord maker Volker Platte.

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