VIDEO Competition
付款方法 Payment methods:
1. 銀行轉賬 Bank Transfer*
恒生銀行帳號:242-431583-001(Hong Kong International Piano Pedagogy Association)* 請把入數證明截圖並於報名時一併遞交,或48小時內於上載區#上載 / Bank Transfer: Hang Seng Bank: 242-431583-001 (Hong Kong International Piano Pedagogy Association). Please screenshot and hand in together with enrolment form or upload through the submission link# within 48 hours of enrolment
2. 轉數快 FPS*
5543-2575 (Hong Kong International Piano Pedagogy Association) *請把入數證明截圖並於報名時一併遞交或於48小時內上載區#上載 / FPS 55432575, then please screenshot and hand in together with enrolment form or upload through the submission link# within 48 hours of enrolment
3. 劃線支票(cheque)
請將劃線支票(抬頭: Hong Kong International Piano Pedagogy Association) 於報名後一星期內郵寄到本會:九龍太子彌敦道761號太子藍馬之城12樓A室, 香港國際鋼琴教學法協會;並在支票背後填上參加者姓名,聯絡電話及比賽項目/ Write a crossed cheque payable to: Hong Kong International Piano Pedagogy Association, and mail it to "Flat A,12/F , Prince Edward-The Lamma City, 761 Nathan Road, Prince Edward" within one week after enrolment. Please write down participant’s name, class(es) enrolled and contact phone number at the back of cheque.
4. Online payment (其他地區參賽者適用/Applicable to non-Hong Kong participants)
網上用信用卡/Apple Pay支付,我們稍後會聯絡閣下並提供付款連結/ We will contact you soon and provide a payment link for you to settle payment by credit card/ Apple Pay
團體報名/Group enrolment form
如老師/團體/音樂中心代報的參賽者達三位或以上,可以使用團體報名表格及根據表格上的付款方法繳款Tutors or music centres can use the group enrolment form if they have 3 or more competitors to join the competition
# 報名後,參加者會收到上載區連結,可用此連結後補上載以下文件:
實體/錄影比賽適用:付款證明(銀行轉賬/轉數快/Online payment 單據)
# Submission link will be provided after upon submission of enrolment, and it can used for uploading the followings if applicable:
Video & Live Competition: Submit payment proof (bank transfer/FPS/Online Payment slip)
Video Competition: You can choose to upload video link and music sheet when submitting enrolment form OR submit via the submission link on or before 22/5/2024.
查詢,請 whatsapp:55432575 或掃描以下二維碼/ 電郵: hkipianopedagogy@gmail.com
For enquires, please Whatsapp: 5543 2575 or scan the below QR code /email: hkipianopedagogy@gmail.com