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Pre-competition reminder

比賽章程以中文版為準 For all the regulations, Chinese version shall prevail. 


<<< 一般注意事項 General Rules >>>

  1. 已報名之賽事,不得轉讓或取消,因任何原因而缺席或退出比賽,所有已繳之報名費亦一概不會發還。Once the enrolment for the competition has been submitted, the enrolment could not be transferred or withdrawn and the application fee will not be refunded.

  2. 參賽者必須按照賽程裏的比賽時間作賽,本會恕不作替個別參賽者作任何比賽場地丶日子或時間上的改動。 Competitors should follow the competition schedule to attend the competition. Any request for change of venues, competition dates or timing for individual competitors will NOT be entertained. 

  3. 如賽程中個人或比賽資料有誤,請於15/12/2022,下午五時前電郵至本協會(,為保障閣下,whatsapp 或電話資料更改恕不接受。如所更改的資料屬參賽者的人為錯誤(報名時,入錯或入漏個人資料或其他參賽資料)需付手續費:每項更改為港幣$120。If there is any amendment for the personal details in the competition schedule, please send e-mail ( our association before 5 pm on 15/12/2022. Any amendment through whatsapp messages or phone call will not be accepted. A surcharge of $120 for each entry is needed for any changes of personal details or other information for the competition due to personal errors. 

  4. 六歲或以下的非參賽者恕不招待。Non-competitors who are under 6 years old will not be admitted.

  5. 由於比賽場地座位有限,比賽場地之座位將優先給予該場比賽的參賽者;如果場地座位不足,多於一位的同行者有機會不獲安排進場,敬請見諒。The seats are reserved for all the competitors for the current competition. Only one accompanist of each competitor will be arranged for the seating due to the limited seats in the venue.

  6. 參賽者請帶同相關(有照片)的身份證明文件(例如:手冊丶學生證丶護照或身份證等)於比賽開始時間前15 分鐘到達場地報到。請準時到達,愈時者有機會被扣分或取消資格。Competitors should bring the related document (with photo), for examples, student handbook, student card, passport or I.D. Card and do the registration 15 mins before the competition starts. The late comers maybe disqualified or the marks may be deducted. 

  7. 參賽者在報到比賽時,需繳交兩份比賽曲目之影印樂譜給工作人員,再轉交評判,以作評分之用。比賽完畢後,影印本將會被毁掉。如需視譜演奏必須使用樂曲正本,所有影印樂譜恕不受理。如在台上使用影印本,大會有權取消其資格,不給予任何分數或獎項。Competitors need to submit the copy of the score to the staff before the competition, and the score will be given to the adjudicators as reference. The copies of the score will be destroyed after the competition. Competitors should use the original copy of the music if they play with the score on the stage! The competitors maybe disqualified or marks will be deducted for using the photocopy of the scores. 

  8. 於有時間限制演奏的組別中,如參賽者超過演奏的指定時間,評判有權終止其演奏及扣分。Performance will be terminated and marks will be deducted by the adjudicators if the performance time exceeds the time limit which is set in some specified classes.

  9. 本會將於各比賽完畢後,即場宣佈結果,並頒發獎項丶獎狀及分紙。 The result will be announced and prizes, certificates and comment sheet will be given at the end of the competition on the spot. 

  10. 如比賽當天未有取回分紙、證書及其獎項及刻名名牌,大會將根據報名時填寫的地址,大約一個半月後以順豐到付寄回,參賽者亦可選擇稍後前來本協會領取。If the competitors cannot collect the trophy/ medals, the badges (with competitor’s name on it), certificates and comment sheets on the day of competition, all of them will be posted by SF Express according to the given address on the enrollment form (the postal fee will be paid by the competitors).  The competitors can also come to our association to collect the prizes and the related documents in person. 

  11. 比賽當天本協會將提供兒童外置腳踏,自攜外置腳踏一概不受理。家長需在參賽者演奏前自行安裝外置腳踏,以確保準確無誤!The extended pedal for kids will be provided on the competition date, and competitors should not bring their own pedals. Parents should help the kids to install the extended pedal before they start,  and to ensure that the pedal is functional.

  12. 其他參賽時注意的事項可參閱本會網址內的比賽章程。Competitors can read the other regulations in our competition website for further details. 

  13. 為確保比賽資訊更準確無誤,請於 17/12/2022或以後再次瀏覽本協會網址,參閱賽程! Please browse our competition website for the most updated competition information on or after 17/12/2022,

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