Cass Ho
何珈樺 小姐
香港演藝學院 中提琴導師
何氏活躍於古典、流行、及其他音樂界別,曾與多個知名團體合作。何氏曾多次參與「禾日水巷」在本港、中國內地及海外的巡演;聯同Ensemble Transience參與Billy Child 之演出。 何氏曾任教康文署主辦的演藝新力量的作曲進階班、 香港青年音樂節; 於香港青少年卡塔尼亞音樂大賽、 香港藝術推廣節、迪士尼創夢家青少年展能藝術發展計劃等擔任評判。何氏為垂宜樂社之演奏家及教於香港演藝學院、香港拔萃男書院附屬小學高級及初級管弦樂團指導。
Ka Wah Cass, HO, received bachelor degree with first class honours at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and master degree in Juilliard School on the Hong Kong Jockey Scholarship etc. Cass won prizes including Academy Concerto Competition in 2004 and performed in Europe and the States.
Cass was a coach of New Generation advanced composition programme of the LCSD, Hong Kong Youth Music Festival, adjudicator of the Hong Kong Cantania Music competition and Hong Kong Arts Competition, Hong Kong Promotion of Performing Arts Festival, Disney Dream Makers Arts Development Program. Cass is an artist of Musicus Society, faculty of the Hong Kong Academy for performing Arts and string coach of senior and junior symphony orchestra in Diocesan Boys School primary division.