Dr. Cherry Tsang
香港浸會大學鋼琴系導師 · 香港演藝學院鋼琴室樂及重奏導師
Piano Faculty at HK Academy for Performing Arts & Hong Kong Baptist University
鋼琴家曾捷麗博士的樂蹤遍及亞洲、歐洲及美國多個城市,亦經常作獨奏及室樂表演,包括2009年在美國紐約卡奈基音樂廳首演。曾與她合作的樂團包括美國伊士曼交響樂團、香港演藝學院交響樂團和香港新藝術樂團,而指揮則有法朗、辜柏麟、甘帕斯特里尼等。疫情期間,曾氏被邀在香港理工大學學生會交響樂團音樂會裏,擔任鋼琴協奏曲獨奏家。曾博士熱衷室內樂演奏及重奏,近年於內地、西班牙和澳洲等地演出,亦定期於香港小交響樂團的室內音樂會系列及花園道3號的「樂.心」古典音樂會系列作演奏嘉賓,也曾於美國的烏斯特音樂節及桑尼貝音樂節上獻藝。她曾與多位著名音樂家合作,包括 小號演奏家James Thompson, Giuliano Sommerhalder, 單簧管演奏家Florent Heau和Michel Arrignon, 小提琴演奏家Piotr Milewski 等。她更與小號演奏家James Thompson錄制《巴哈詠嘆調三重奏》,唱片於2014年由國際小號協會發行。此外,作為Eastman Broadband Ensemble (美國一新音樂室樂團)成員之一,她參與了由Urtext Record Label 所出的唱片:Diaries: Works for Large Ensemble。此外,她屢次受康樂文化事務署邀請,於「音樂顯才華」系列在香港大會堂舉行演奏會。曾氏於美國伊士曼音樂學院獲鋼琴演奏博士學位,期間為鋼琴家Barry Snyder的助教。現於香港演藝學院及香港浸會大學鋼琴系任教。
Pianist Dr. Cherry Tsang received her doctorate degree from the Eastman School of Music in the United States.
Tsang appeared on stage as a soloist and chamber musician in Asia, Europe and the United States, and made her debut at the legendary Carnegie Hall in 2009. Under the batons of Neil Varon, Alan Cumberland, Christoph Campestrini and other renowned conductors, she performed with local and overseas orchestras including The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) Symphony Orchestra, Hong Kong Ars Nova Orchestra and the Eastman Symphony Orchestra. Tsang recently appeared as the Piano Concerto Soloist with the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Students’ Union Orchestra.
Recently Tsang has toured with her chamber groups in Spain, Australia and numerous cities in China. She often appeared in the Hong Kong Sinfonietta Chamber Music series, Music del Cuore Series, and was invited to Wooster Music Festival and Sanibel Music Festival in the United States, and at prestigious venues including the Kneisel Hall, New York University, Symphony Space and the Miller Theatre at Columbia University.
A versatile musician, Tsang has shared the stage with world famous musician including Giuliano Sommerhalder, Esteban Batallán Cons, Florent Héau, Michel Arrignon and Piotr Milewski. Her collaborations with trumpeter James Thompson led to the recording “Arias from Bach’s cantatas” released by the International Trumpet Guild. She was also invited as a featured solo artist and a collaborative artist in “Our Music Talent” series by the Hong Kong Leisure and Cultural Services Department.
Dr. Tsang is a piano faculty at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and Hong Kong Baptist University.