Juanita Wong
王翹𦑊 小姐
香港演藝學院 大提琴導師
王翹𦑊 於英國倫敦皇家音樂學院以優異成績修畢表演藝術碩士學位,師從David Strange,並獲頒DipRAM榮銜。王氏在香港演藝學院音樂就讀期間師從王磊教授獲得學士學位。她是一位活躍的演奏家,在學期間曾獲頒劉元生基金獎學金,演出足跡遍佈英國、奧地利、中國、台灣、泰國、澳門 及香港。王氏是Dawning Quartet的大提琴手及創始成員,曾受邀在香港作曲家聯會舉辦的新生代音樂會上演出。王氏熱衷於教學和培養音樂人才,是香港太平洋大提琴樂團的創始人及教師,同時也是香港演藝學院的導師。
Juanita WONG completed her Master of Arts degree in performance with distinction and was awarded DipRAM, the highest of honours at the Royal Academy of Music where she studied with David Strange. A recipient of Y.S Liu Foundation Scholarship, she obtained the Bachelor of Music degree at HKAPA, under the tutelage of Ray Wang. She has been an avid chamber musician, she has given concerts in the UK, Austria, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Macau and Hong Kong. She is the cellist and founding member of the Dawning Quartet, who was invited to performing in the New Generation Concert presented by the Hong Kong Composers Guild. She is keen on teaching and nurturing musical talents. She is one of the founders and faculty of the Pacific Cello Orchestra Hong Kong, a summer programme for talented young cellists, and the faculty of the HKAPA.