Dr. Kawai Chan
陳家尉 博士
Adjunct Lecturer and Artist Teacher at Hong Kong Baptist University
陳家尉演出足跡遍及世界各地如意大利、奧地利、香港、台灣和美國各大音樂廳,曾合作樂團包括有:Della Fondazione Salina 和 Filarmonica Italiana。求藝途中屢獲獎項,曾榮獲Mary Hayes North鋼琴大賽和紐約帝國鋼琴大賽冠軍 。亦曾成功晉身千島鋼琴大賽決賽。陳家尉於求學期間,成績斐然,曾獲眾多助學金及獎學金。攻讀本科學位期間,獲伊薩卡學院全額獎學金,其後獲琵琶迪音樂學院獎學金並於該學院完成碩士學位。在密歇根州立大學攻讀博士學位期間,除一般獎學金之外,陳家尉亦是著名「研究提昇獎」獎學金的兩名獲獎者之一。回居香港,陳家尉致力推廣古典音樂,積極參與各種演藝和教學活動,先後與不同領域之藝術家合作,舉辦鋼琴獨奏會及參與各種音樂演出。陳家尉目前任教於浸會大學音樂學學院。
Kawai Chan has performed extensively as a soloist and collaborative artist in Austria, Italy, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and throughout the United States. She has performed with various orchestras including Orchestra della Foundazione Salina and Orchestra Filarmonica Italiana. Awarded first prize at the Mary Hayes North competition and the Empire State Piano competition in New York, Kawai was a finalist at the Thousand Island Piano Competition. A recipient of many grants and fellowships, Kawai was awarded a full scholarship to attend Ithaca College where she graduated magna cum laude. While at Peabody Conservatory she was awarded the Peabody Grant for her Master's studies. During her doctorate studies at Michigan States University, Kawai was one of the winners of the Research Enhancement Award in addition to the other scholarship and fellowship. Her principal teachers include Read Gainsford, Boris Slutsky, and George Vatchnadze. Kawai continues to be active in both performing and teaching. She has given recitals and collaborated with various artists and performed at different concert series including Music Alive Series at HKUST, Citibank Plaza Concert Series; Art, Culture, and Music at the airport; and Music of Friends at RTHK Radio 4. Kawai is currently an adjunct lecturer and artist teacher at Hong Kong Baptist University.