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Dr. Philbert Li




李氏獲多個獎學金赴美深造,僅以三年時間於美國Arizona State University獲頒音樂藝術博士學位,並獲聘於該校鋼琴系任教。李氏師承香港鋼琴家施敏倫博士、美國鋼琴家Clipper Erickson博士、貝森朵夫國際鋼琴大賽總監Baruch Meir博士,及美國艾弗里·費舍爾獎得主Frederic Chiu教授。留學期間,他更有幸獲Aquiles Delle Vigne、Bernd Goetzke、Daniel Pollack、Emanuel Krasovsky及Seymour Lipkin等名師親自指導。


李氏現為香港教育大學文化及創意藝術學系講師、大學現代音樂室樂團副音樂總監、室樂團總監、及中樂團總監。同時,他亦是Pi Kappa Lambda National Music Honor Society及Golden Key International Honor Society的會員。


Winner of numerous prizes in international piano competitions, Dr. Philbert King Yue Li’s success has taken him to perform throughout Asia, Europe, and USA. He was invited to appear in music festivals, solo recitals, CD productions, and master classes around the world.


Born in Hong Kong, Philbert earned his bachelor’s degree in education with First Class honors at the Education University of Hong Kong. As a result of his academic and pianistic achievements, he received scholarships from the Hong Kong Government, Au Bak Ling Charity Trust, Education University of Hong Kong, Temple University, and Arizona State University to study abroad. He earned his master’s degree in piano performance at Temple University, and doctorate degree in piano performance at the Arizona State University. His primary teachers include Amy Sze, Baruch Meir, Clipper Erickson, and Frederic Chiu. He also studied with Aquiles Delle Vigne, Bernd Goetzke, Charles Abramovic, Daniel Pollack, Douglas Humpherys, Edward Auer, and Seymour Lipkin.


Before returning to Hong Kong, Philbert taught in Arizona State University. He is currently Lecturer at the Education University of Hong Kong, where he also serves as the director of the university’s Western Chamber Music Ensemble, Chinese Orchestra, as well as the associate music direct of Modern Music Ensemble. He is a member of Pi Kappa Lambda National Music Honor Society and Golden Key International Honor Society.

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