Ms. Stella Wong
王秀婷 小姐
美國印第安納大學鋼琴演奏碩士 及 香港國際鋼琴教學法協會主席
Master degree of Music in Piano Performance from Indiana University USA, Chairman of Hong Kong International Piano Pedagogy Association
王氏早年於香港中文大學主修音樂,獲一等榮譽畢業,其後她獲香港賽馬會音樂及舞蹈基金獎學金全數贊助學費及生活費,遠赴美國印弟安納大學修讀,考獲鋼琴演奏音樂碩士,並師從世界著名鋼琴家 Menahem Pressler (Beaux Art Trio 創辦人 )。 Menahem Pressler 是貝多芬的直接第五代傳人。她的其他主要老師包括吳美樂博士及陳兆勳先生。
她曾於莫斯科音樂學院、Adamant音樂學校、及紐約的 International Keyboard Institute & Festival 參與表演,並受指導於世界著名鋼琴家Victor Rosabaum, Jerome Rose, Mikhail Olenyev 及 Jenny Zakharyeva 等等。除了賽馬會音樂及舞蹈基金獎學金之外,她亦曾獲多個其他獎項,包括尤德爵士紀念獎學金、龔約翰龐萬倫大獎、胡格非畢業生海外深造紀念獎學金、美國印弟安納大學音樂獎學金、萬瑞亭獎學金、富爾敦獎學金、東亞銀行獎學金及香港中文大學學術創作獎等等。
她現時為香港教育大學鋼琴導師,並於多間院校任教鋼琴演奏及鋼琴教學法,包括香港國際音樂學校、香港大學專業進修學院、香港中文大學專業進修學院等。她亦經常舉辦鋼琴大師班及鋼琴教學法之工作坊和講座,培育出不少鋼琴老師。近年她亦屢次獲邀到香港中文大學音樂系對有關鋼琴教學法作客席講課。她亦曾為多間大專院校擔任校外考試官,及於多個大型鋼琴比賽中擔任評判,其中包括全港青少年鋼琴大賽、香港青少年鋼琴公開賽、香港國際青少年表演藝術節、聯校音樂大賽、英國 Purcell 國際青少年鋼琴比賽、德國萊茵古典國際鋼琴比賽等等。她現在是香港國際鋼琴教學法協會主席,並經常舉辦不同類型的鋼琴導師增值講座及課程,提升本地鋼琴老師的技能、教學質素及鋼琴資歷。
Stella Wong has won a full scholarship from Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund for her Master degree of Music in Piano Performance from Indiana University (Bloomington, U.S.A.). Before that, she got the Bachelor Degree of Arts (Music), with first class honors, from The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
She studied with Distinguished Professor Menahem Pressler (founder of Beaux Arts Trio) from Indiana University, who is the direct 5th generation descendent from Beethoven and descendent from Franz Liszt and Carl Czerny. Her other teachers include Dr Mary Wu and Mr Chan Siu Fun.
She has performed in Moscow Conservatory International Summer School, Adamant Music School and International Keyboard Institute & Festival in New York during summer. There she has learnt from some world-renowned teachers, including Victor Rosabaum, Jerome Rose, Mikhail Olenyev and Jenny Zakharyeva etc.
Besides music scholarship from Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund, some of her other awards include Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarship, Kunkle and Pommerende Grand Scholarship, C. F. Hu Postgraduate Memorial Scholarship, Indiana University Scholarship, Bernard Van Zuiden Music Prize, S.C. Leung Music Prize, Lord Fulton Memorial Prize, Bank of East Asia Golden Jubilee Scholarship and Academic Creativity Award.
She is currently a piano instructor in The Education University of Hong Kong and the chairman of Hong Kong International Piano Pedagogy Association.